Tubular daylighting devices

Post from Editorials

Let's see how to transport natural light to underground rooms such as some cellars or walk-in wardrobes, and also corridors, bathrooms and stairs, with no windows.

Tubular daylighting devices
Arch. Raffaella Pierri
Arch. Raffaella Pierri

Solatube The use of natural light is of course the best way to illuminate rooms, but often this is impossible because these spaces are situated underground, or are lacking, however, in sufficient windows as to ensure proper lighting.

With the skylights of traditional type the problem could be solved by operating directly on the floor of the room itself, if this is also the outer cover of the building, as in the case, for example, of some cellars or habitable attics, or sports facilities with no windows.

For all the other cases when this does not happen, the path to bring directly the light from the outside is longer, so there tubular skylights, or, better, tubular daylighting devices are needed. So we could solve the lighting of garages, taverns, as well as walk-in wardrobe, corridors, bathrooms and stairs.
The principle is very simple, and is based on the ability of reflective materials, which constitute these tubes, to be able to pick up and transport natural light even at a considerable distance. It goes without saying that, although the principle is simple and intuitive, its translation into practical terms is based on the result of technologically advanced articles.

SOLATUBE®, founded in 1988 in Australia, made the first tubes in 1991, the so-called light hunter tubes, mirrored tubes with a transparent little dome and a reflector that allowed the inclination of the rays far down. (...) Our mission is to transport natural light into areas where natural light has always been an option (...)

Solatube.   Corridor Solatube. Illuminated corridor After the initial success, the company has focused on the performance of the dome, producing a series of more and more efficient articles, to be used also in houses. Since 2002, in the whole range has been introduced Spectralight® Infinity, a new material which has a capacity of mirror-like reflectance up to 99.7%, without for this modifying the solar spectrum.

In addition to this, with the Daylight Dimmer you can control the flow of light through a simple wall push-button panel. That's why they are no longer called skylights, but real daylighting systems. The focus is in fact on improving the picking up of sunlight, optimizing it even when the sun is low on the horizon, as in the early morning, in the evening or during the winter, as well as on reducing it in the summer or during the central hours of the day.
Sistemi Cover Lightway systems.
With the range Brighten Up® Daylight System, based on RayBender®3000 technology and with LightTraker Reflector, the goal is reached, and it is thus possible to have uniformity and optimal management of light throughout the day and in the whole year. With the series Solamaster®, instead, it is possible to respond to the needs of large rooms.

SISTEMI COVER distributes in Italy the Lightway® system, whose stated goals are: (...) illuminate, turn, contribute, stimulate (...). That is: illuminate with natural light every type of room, turning dark rooms into lit rooms with the help of simple tubular photoconductors, helping in protecting eyes' health of those who are forced to stay and work in rooms without windows, therefore stimulating their good mood.

Sistemi Cover Lightway systems.Sistemi Cover Lightway systems. There are various models available, depending on the type of interior where it is needed: Lightway® Crystal 200, 300, 400 HP is ideal for residential interiors such as bathrooms, kitchens, stairwells, walk-in wardrobe, laundry, garage. Lightway® Silver is the right solution for industrial spaces, such as warehouses, sports facilities, swimming pools, supermarkets, laboratories and offices.

The dome of the Crystal series is made of sodium and potassium glass, an high performance material as regards its optical properties, and very resistant to the effects of the weather, in any condition. The IRCG technology (Intelligence Ray Catcher Glass) which characterizes the shape of the dome, allows the capture of 30% more light if compared to a classic skylight.

Chemical and mechanical resistances are excellent, and this dome has a self-cleaning property in case of rain. Also, the dome of the Silver series is made of plexiglass, resistant to impact, sudden changes of temperature and bad weather conditions. The reflective surface of the tube Lightway® is the result of a chemical process, vacuum sealed vaporization, which guarantees a percentage of reflectance up to 99.8%, in addition to a considerable mechanical and chemical resistance of the tube, which cannot be damaged because of sudden changes of temperature or humidity.

As regards Sistemi Cover Lightway Blue Performance for passive buildings. the diffuser, this product is made of sodium and potassium glass with titanium oxide optical antireflective layer. The power is thus greater up to 15% compared to a plastic diffuser, as the glass reduces the return of the light.

The range Lightway® is enriched, as regards the accessories, by the Blue Performance system, which guarantees a greater insulation, and minimizes heat loss eliminating heat bridges and condensation, thus satisfying the high performance level as needed in case of passive buildings.

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arch. Raffaella Pierri

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