Sun in House

Post from Editorials

A revolutionary technology to bring solar lighting in any environment, transmitting sensations and the atmospheres characteristic of natural light.

Sun in House
Arch. Francesco Oliva
Arch. Francesco Oliva

Sun in the house for a better living

For those who found themselves in the position of having to choose a new house because they were transferred for work or for other reasons, the need has arisen to go in search of a comfortable house, well served by public transports, located in a building without problems and with a good exposition to light.

The requirement that in the above description of the characteristics required appears as the last one, is instead the discriminatory reason in the choice of the house, or of a new office or of any other space in which a task must be performed.

In fact the light is and has been defined, as the protagonist of the space, a dimly lit highlights all its negative influence on who occupies it.

Starting the day in a bright environment, predispose us to the best, it recharges us with a positive energy and with a desire to do that no ill-lit environment can provide.

In some diseases the lack of lighting, contributes to the worsening of the patient's psychological status to such an extent that he lose all interest in life.

Many rooms arranged in basements or in narrow parts of a house are misused or even abandoned to itself because the light in there is absent or very poor.

In previous articles on the subject, we have pointed out some alternative systems to direct lighting that contributed to make more satisfactory the level of lighting of the environments taken into consideration, I refer to systems such as solartube etc..

Sun by modern technology

But nowadays, after a few years from the aforesaid advices, on the horizon appears a new revolutionary technique that enables us to experience the feeling of being in full natural light even in darker environments.

Un ambiente privo della luce naturale del sole With this new technology, you can create even in environments devoid of windows, real virtual windows capable of making us feel immersed in an environment lit by the sun.

The innovative system called COELUX, promises to make the sun shine always and everywhere, regardless of the physical constitution of the environment to be discussed at this point the question arises: how can such a revolution, in what way and how much it will cost the lighting system?

The answer is provided in a clear and scientific way by the working group that is developing the new system and that I paste below to be fully correct. Through the integration of energy-saving LED technology of the latest generation with a sophisticated optical system that employs nanostructured materials, COELUX offers solutions for high-tech windows, whose innovation is not limited to the potential revolution in the lighting industry and design, but is also expressed through the ability to multiply the welfare of citizens, inside and outside the borders the EU. With COELUX the sun shines always and everywhere, said Professor Paolo Di Trapani, project coordinator and physicist at the University of Insubria in Como, whose research of the past decade aimed precisely to recreate the natural light .

Trasformazione dello spazio con sole artificiale The beneficial effect of exposure to a type of lighting such as that described, can not be explained easily, as in fact it is not easy to explain a feeling or a perfume or a particular state of being, but the fact remains that it has been scientifically proven that also people who suffer from certain diseases arising from their staying indoors and in unenlightened spaces, have expressed their entire satisfaction following a stay in narrow but lighted spaces in the new way.

The new technology will surely bring a revolution in the way we use all the environments that because of their position, shape, and so on. were relegated to a seconday use or were used as a deposit.

Each sector will benefit from it because the application of the technology described will surely find application in productive activities, domestic and work related, etc. ..

Sun and atmosphere on request

Let us now look a bit more in detail, from what constitutes a virtual window capable of providing the benefits described, well COELUX system combines three essential elements, the latest generation of LEDs can reproduce the spectrum of sunlight, sophisticated optics to recreate the feeling of distance between the sun and the sky, some nanocomposite materials, to fully replicate, in a few millimeters thickness, the Rayleigh diffusion processes occurring in the atmosphere.

Luce artificiale del sole e  la sua atmosfera Thanks to the combination of the three elements mentioned above, it will not only be possible to create virtual apertures of different shapes and sizes everywhere, but what is even more astounding of the mentioned system, is the opportunity to choose the ambience of light that you want.

I refer in particular to the fact that the users of the mentioned system, can choose to set the lighting effect with Nordic, Mediterranean, or even tropical effect.

The introduction of the aforementioned system, will result in addition to the benefits described, even in an economic evaluation of the properties in which it will be installed, just think of the possibility of transforming many basement rooms, basements, attics, that have no openings for regulations in livable environments, fully completing them with simple ventilation systems, capable of making possible all work and recreational activities.

COELUX is the result of a European research direction in Italian, which lasted over 10 years, which has allowed him to be counted among the most innovative projects in the field of view of the European Commission.

The use of an optical system made ??using nanostructured materials, it differs from other similar products for the ability to reconstruct the best atmospheric optical phenomena.

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