Portable photovoltaic

Post from Editorials

The photovoltaic laptop is designed to compensate for the lower power consumption, but continue, in a house that has a non-negligible cost over long periods.

Portable photovoltaic
Ing. Vincenzo Granato
Ing. Vincenzo Granato

Portable photovoltaic without conditions and limitations of the machineries

Among the renewable energy sources, the solar photovoltaics has had in recent years a large circulation, portable solar panels, with limited power, allow everyone to use photovoltaic solar energy and to overcome the typical obstacles that you have in the creation of a system with higher powers.

impianto fotovoltaico On the roofs of many houses, with the common dimensions of a hundred square meters, the photovoltaic systems more often installed, are those with peak power of about 3 kW.

To maximize the energy production, and also avail of tax incentives, the installation of photovoltaic systems requires specific conditions such as the absence of shading, ventilation, orientation and inclination of the panels.

However, the absence of such conditions and the complexity to access tax breaks, often, have established impassable boundaries for the use of photovoltaic solar energy, these limits may be exceeded for those who want to harness solar energy using portable hotovoltaic panels of small dimensions.

Features of Portable Photovoltaics

The ability to move, the ease of installation and and the low cost compared to a system of several kW, which requires about 10 square feet of space for each kW to install, are the main characteristics of the photovoltaic handset.

A portable photovoltaic solar panel, generally, has a peak power of about 300W and the size of about 1 to 1.60 m, in practice, it is the equivalent of a single module of a system comprising several modules, connected together and fixed to the roof of a building, which requires the conditions described to be used on.

A portable solar panel can be moved depending on the irradiation conditions, which change over time, having integrated into its thickness, the inverter and the devices required to convert and use the voltage produced by the cells, the value of continuous approximately 30V, the peak value alternating with a little more than 230 V to the electric loads of a dwelling.

The installation of the portable panel is very simple, in fact, the energy produced by a photovoltaic solar panel laptop can be placed in the electrical system of the house with just the power cord, that coming out of the back of the panel and ending with a plug, can be connected to the nearest electrical outlet whenever you want to use solar photovoltaic electricity.

Operation and Use of Portable Photovoltaic

Thephotovoltaic effect is the principle of operation of a portable photovoltaic panel and is common to plants with higher power, the peculiarity of a photovoltaic panel that is portable can be used as a household appliance connected to a socket that provides power instead of consuming it.

Unlike a photovoltaic system, the energy produced by a portable panel must always be consumed and can not be fed into the grid when it exceeds the requirements of the dwelling.

To enter power into the grid as a system, you should have the permission from your network that require a fixed installation with the costs of design, construction and paperwork that betray the principles of simplicity and cost-effectiveness of PV handset.

pannello fotovoltaico portatile The non-grid feed energy produced by the panel is secured by electronic devices and inverter integrated in it.

In a similar way to what happens in fixed several kW, these devices make it available to the electrical system of the house, from the outlet which is connected to the panel, an AC voltage with a peak value of a few percentage points higher than the maximum provided from the electric utility grid.

In this way, when there is a power consumption in the house all the energy produced by the panel is completely consumed by compensating or reducing the absorption of power from the distribution network.

In cases where the energy demands at home are nil, the same devices that prevent the panel to input power into the grid and similarly in the case of poor production of the panel, for lack of sunlight, avoid absorbing from the socket to which it is connected .

You can achieve this by calibrating the electronics of the panel as a function of the electrical characteristics of the point of delivery, provided by the distributor, to the house where you have to use the panel.

In the simplest cases, and the cheapest, the portable solar panel, can be used, trivially, by plugging it into a socket when there is consumption in the house and disconnecting when there are compensating manually to the function performed by the devices described above.

Costs and Benefits of Portable Photovoltaics

We conclude by noting that the portable solar panel was created to compensate for the lower power consumption, but continuous, a house that have a non-negligible cost over long periods.

In fact, a solar panel laptop has an average cost of about 600€, which varies depending on the accessories and devices in the kit, whereas with a peak power of about 300W, at the average Italian latitude, it can produce in a year or so 400kWh, which correspond to about 1/4 or 1/5 of the electricity consumption of an average household.

After having amortized cost of the panel over a period of a few years from the purchase, its use will result in a substantial savings of between 20% and 30% of electricity consumption in the following years, however taking into account its natural drop in performance.

We conclude by noting that there are no big-name companies in the photovoltaic industry, which produce the portable solar panel that is a product assembled by small hancrafted companies.

Those who are interested, can find the portable panel in the nearest distributor of electrical equipment and probably, in a not too distant future, even in shopping malls. Finally, a portable panel can also be made by a skilled installer or an expert do it yourself, simply by purchasing and assembling of certified components.

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