
Useful, recommendations and costs for the construction and maintenance of buildings

The heated towel rails

The heated towel rails

Systems - The heated towel rails, in steel or aluminum, water or electric, is able to heat the environment and to characterize it as if it were a painting or a design object.
Solar Sphere

Solar Sphere

Systems - The latest evolution of solar systems is represented by spherical sensors, that promise greater efficiency in the capture of the sun's rays.
Bioenergy and biomass

Bioenergy and biomass

Systems - The use of biomass is one of many ways to generate renewable energy, clean energy. Now the use of this source is spreading even in domestic spaces.
Technical Lighting

Technical Lighting

Systems - Knowing the meaning of the parameters described in the technical and visual comfort lamps, helps to choose the most suitable to their needs.
Baseboard heating

Baseboard heating

Systems - The system of baseboard heating is a simple and minimally invasive system, ideal for a comfortable environment and organized in small size.
Harnessing the wind power

Harnessing the wind power

Systems - It is possible to exploit the wind energy as an alternative energy source not only on a large scale, but also in our house, here are some tips.
Mechanical ventilation and air-conditioning

Mechanical ventilation and air-conditioning

Systems - Natural ventilation is the most straightforward method for the exchange of air in the house, in winter and summer, but what are the most efficient alternatives on the market?
Lifters for motorcycles and bikes

Lifters for motorcycles and bikes

Systems - Lifters for motorcycles and bicycles, practical and easy to recover a bit 'of space in the garage and take full advantage of the environment, not only for car parking.
House under control

House under control

Systems - Current technologies allow you to live in the house safely, both when you are inside and you when you are away but you want to keep it under control.
Solar shading and facade

Solar shading and facade

Systems - The sunblind is a shielding element widely used in architecture, this can have a dual function, then also produce energy using sunlight.
How to save electricity for lighting

How to save electricity for lighting

Systems - The consumption of electricity in our houses is sometimes excessive, it takes some tweak in the life of every day to get a saving.
Constructed wetland

Constructed wetland

Systems - Phytodepuration is a new technology for the treatment of waste waters, this is an innovative system that, through the use of plants, is capable of purifying water.
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