Boiler in the garage

Post from Editorials

Old boiler installation or a gas appliance in the garage, private garages or garage must be made in accordance with, identifying a local technician.

Boiler in the garage
Vito De Natale
Vito De Natale

The installation of a boiler or a gas appliance ordinary (power less than 35 kW) in the garage, small private garages or garage is a question that has always raised some doubt. The UNI CIG 7129 (latest version in 2008) has described the explicit prohibitions. I'm following some considerations related to possible solutions of fronts to cases of old and new installations.

Terms of reference for local and boilers

It is essential to clarify the terms and definitions that are adopted about the installation of boilers in the above cases.

For garages are covered areas that are intended to shelter, to park and maneuver vehicles with its related services. The garages can be isolated or mixed. The garages are those situated in isolated buildings used exclusively for such use and any adjacent buildings to other uses, structurally and functionally separated from them.

caldaia interna All other types of garages are identified as garages mixed. Depending on the organization of the interior spaces, garages and similar spaces may be of different types.

The most common type of garage is called a box, or open space. Are not considered garages sheds open on at least two sides.

A garage is a volume enclosed by structures defined resistance REI 30 (fire resistance for 30 minutes) and surface less than or equal to 40 square meters. When the enclosure is used for the storage of a single vehicle, typically the parking of single house is defined garage.

The UNI CIG 7129 (systems with domestic gas-powered distribution network - Design, installation and maintenance) already in the version of December 2001, had a clear and unequivocal ban on the installation of distributed gas in rooms or areas classified with fire with explicit reference to garages, parking, garages etc. ban confirmed by the 2008 version of the same rule.

Solutions for old boiler installations

In any cases of old boilers installed for many years in environments such as those described above, are clearly not up to standard, a possible solution may be a technical room. The local technician must be dimensioned so as to allow the control operations and maintenance of the appliance. The room must be equipped with vents / ventilation provided by UNI 7129 and a door separating RE 120 in the case of communication with the garage. About the smoke channels and the suction and discharge of forced draft units (boiler type C) must remain inside the plant room.

caldaia in ex garage These elements are, in fact, considered part of the unit and as such are subject to the same prohibitions appliance or boiler.

There are several considerations relevant to the system of gas supply. For gas pipes UNI 7129 describes the ability to pass through compartments or areas classified in fire, among them: the environments as remittances, garage, garages, warehouses of combustible materials, etc..

All this is valid provided that the pipes have only junctions for butt welding, and are protected from material with class 0 of reaction to fire.

Finally, it may happen that a garage is an environment that is not used as such and is intended, however, to other uses. In such cases, many claim to be able to leave the boiler in the room simply because there is no car.

However, an environment intended for use in the garage is an environment classified as fire and the presence of the boiler it is not possible, regardless of whether actual or prevailing local.

In the condition described of a possible solution is that of change of destination of use of the local classified as technical room can be used for the installation of the boiler.

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