Customize the refrigerator

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Even the refrigerator is a piece of furniture that can be easily customized through different techniques, such as magnets, stickers and color.

Customize the refrigerator
Arch. Valentina Caiazzo
Arch. Valentina Caiazzo

Customize and make unusual the refrigerator door

coolors Decorating is an activity that involves everyone sooner or later, inside the house environment. It implies that, with the passage of time, and deposits on furniture inside the house, the so-called personal veil, with object,s elements and photographs that are part of our lives.

Among the furnishings, library aside, one of the electrical appliances that are best suited to this type of activity is the refrigerator.

Decorate the refrigerator door

The refrigerator is one of the objects inevitable within the landscape of the house. And, in addition to being a functional product, it is very often, also a piece of furniture.

Beyond the choice of color, the surface of this appliance also lends itself well to additions and decorations, purely for decorative purposes. Not by chance is often used as a backing for magnets, travel mementos and photographs, or even as an element where pinning notes and shopping lists.

Customize your refrigerator with magnets

magneti per frigorifero Mandellia The magnets are one of the most used items for souvenirs and travel memories. Clearly they don't follow a logic line, but they can become a good starting point for launching a fixed appointment when you go on vacation or on a trip. The confusion in the arrangement, then, it is often acceptable, especially in houses where the rest of the furniture and the walls are not so full.

Finally, if you have little ones in the house and parents are always around, it will be a good way to get children involved and make them follow you, at least in part, on the job and the work you do.

Messages and chalkboards on the fridge

personalizzare frigo, mandelliaWork is often, within a family, a matter of long absences or different times. A corner of the refrigerator, then can become the basis for the right posts, shopping lists or even a simple greeting, which immediately become element of decor and furnishings.
In this regard there are also stickers designed for the walls but which fit very well to the smooth surface of the refrigerator door, which, properly positioned, become, thanks to the blackboard effect of the surface, excellent boards, in which pinning phrases, using a simple chalk then cleaned with a damp cloth.

Customize your refrigerator with custom panels

kudu magnets But the surface of the refrigerator, as well as being a practical item for notes and magnets arrived as a souvenir from a trip, also lends itself to other types of personalization, a little more related to the design and the interior decoration.
This happens, for example, exploiting the magnet effect, but in extra large version. Is called kudu Magnets and is an Israeli company that has created large panels to magnetic effect, to be applied over the entire surface of the refrigerator door. The panels are very decorative, but not chaotic and complicated, as often happens. Using these products is the effect of an additional surface to customize, just like one more wall. Given that the models of appliance are many, to purchase one, just choose the size, model, and model then shipping is worldwide.

Same principle of personalization of the refrigerator, but different company, even with the possibility of extending the arrangements of furniture and other domestic appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers. It's called Mandellia and is a French brand that produces magnets that can be personalized with high quality photographs, adjusting the size of the supplement available. It is printed to order and after choosing a favorite subject or the loading of the desired photo.

Coloring the kitchen and appliances

kudu magnets Finally, for those who are just tired of the color of their kitchen block, here they have Coolors. This is a brand that allows you to color and make different your household, thanks to the application surface.

Customizable in both measures in the decorations, the solutions of Coolors for appliances and customization of refrigerators, can be achieved by the selection of photographs and images from the database, to further refine and increase through the application of glitter, Swarovski crystals, luminescent pigment, photosensitive.

The luminescent effect on the walls of the refrigerator is interesting, because, thanks to the light of day and the light of the sun, which usually comes from the windows of the room during the night or during periods of darkness for a few hours, the appliances covered by these panels, are able to remain bright for a long time.

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