Wood floors outdoor

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Those who love wood would like having it applied as a material in the whole house, not just for furniture and frames, but also for ceilings, floors and outdoor, too.

Wood floors outdoor
Arch. Raffaella Pierri
Arch. Raffaella Pierri

Warmth and nature effect with wood outdoor

Pircher. Decking in legno. Those who love wood would like having it applied as a material in the whole house, not just for furniture and frames, but also to cover ceilings and floors. I imagine that, when they have outdoor spaces, even small ones, the ideal solution would be to refine these spaces with wood, too.

I refer to spaces such as terraces, swimming pools edges, small walkways in the garden or those little spaces used as a relaxation area during summer.

Today, you have not to worry about using wood for outdoor floor, because production technologies allow you to have high-performance products from all points of view. The most important limitation of wood, today exceeded, consists in its vulnerability to the effects of the weather, and therefore in its maintenance issues.

South Tyrol and wood culture

Wood is the material that more than any other has influenced the way of building, decorating, Pircher. Decking in frassino termopressato covering, in short of living of the people of South Tyrol, that have always used wood for each task.

Knowledge in every detail of this material makes it easy to be applied in every field. With the gradual increase of interest, then, and not just in theory, in green building, the confirmation of its performance is now undeniable.

So it is becoming more and more frequent making outdoor floors using wood, that has no more secrets, now.

It has certainly no secrets for the Pircher family, with its 80 years of experience in the field, including 20 years in the specific impregnation treatments in autoclave, just to allow wood to stay outdoors resisting against the effects of the weather. Their productive activity is the perfect combination of traditional craftsmanship and modern production technology.
Pircher. Decking in larice e pino, schemi
All the main characteristics of wood, like the fact that it is flexible, ecological and recyclable, suitable for all needs, are also being exploited to create beautiful and durable outdoor flooring, quick to realize and easy to maintain.

On the other hand, for years Pircher company has been producing outdoor furniture and, because of researching in this sense, they have now a consolidated know-how, and the production of wood decking exploits knowledge of woody species details and specific treatments in order to use them also outdoor.

In addition to materials, woods from forests that are managed in a sustainable manner, Pircher also supplies a complete line of accessories for the installation and maintenance of provided flooring.

European wood decking

Among the species of European origin, Pircher certainly uses oiled planks of thermopressure treated ash wood. Pircher. Decking in larice siberiano The treatment of thermopressure is used in order to make this wood suitable for outdoor use, as this is a species which is quite sensitive to fungi and insects attack.

The heat - thermopressure, in this case, consists of alternating a layer of ash with thermo - heating slabs. Then these wood and steel layers thus obtained are pressed evenly through the insertion of special expansion pillows.

Compared to normal thermopressure treated woods, these products are made more durable and less subject to swelling and shrinkage.

The Siberian Larch is a conifer wood from areas with a very rigid climate that slows down its growth. Compared to Alpine Larch it has a particular grain and a fiber of higher quality. The original color is a typical crude reddish-yellow with streaks.

Pircher. Decking in pino silvestre europeo It should never be placed in direct contact with the ground but rather placed on spacer laths. It has a good resistance against fungi and insects attack and is easy to maintain.

European Scotch Pine planks, with the typical green-gold colour, can instead be placed in direct contact with the ground, as they are impregnated in autoclave. This treatment, according to the legislation Ral in class 4, makes it suitable for contact with the ground.

Exotic or African wood decking

Pircher. Decking in talì
Among the exotic woods used by Pircher there are the Almendrillo, from Bolivia, with compact fiber and dark honey color, almost brown; the Cumaru, from subtropical South America, with compact yellow fiber striped with red; the Lyptus, obtained from grafting of two species of Eucalyptus.

Talì wood is a hard wood African species, going from yellow-green to dark brown or reddish, while the Yellow Balau wood from Southeast Asia, goes from yellow to yellow-brown colour.

The Giant Bamboo is a grass, not a wood species and undergoes a special process that includes several steps: washing, defibration and thermopressing. After this treatment, Bamboo will have lost about 40% of the mass, becoming compact and stable.

Laying of decking

Giò Speedy. Normally the laying of wooden decking provides the use of screws or nails on the top of the slats, or the use of clips mounted sideways, with a great waste of time and with an aesthetic result that is not always the best.

A better system would be that which could work without these items, for the most elegant result with less expenditure of time for the installation.

That 's the system patented by Giò Speedy , based on a nylon support for wood planks placed orthogonally, without any use of nails, screws or glue.

Giò Speedy company was born in 2007, founded by Giovanni Iovene, after 35 years of experience in the wood flooring, at first as a layer, then as manager of his own store where he has been selling floors, carpets and wallpaper.

The deep knowledge of wood industry has led Iovene to reflect about possible alternatives and solutions to everyday problems. Therefore he focused mainly about installation techniques, which led to the creation of Giò Speedy System.
Giò Speedy. Supporto in nylon
The first design patent dates back to 1999, then followed by two others. The nylon support is of a size of 70x70x39 mm, it has a hollow in the lower part, and fins on the upper side. In the hollow is inserted a wood stick that allows to hold the bearings together, raised from the ground, so the water can flow out without problems.

The wooden staves have a milling, so as to fit with a simple press of the foot when resting on the fins. In this way the staves are locked inside and outside for a greater length than normal block -system through metal clips, moreover only external.

Giò Speedy. Sistema ad incastro As regards the assembly, there is no need of nylon line to check straight lines, nor should you give thickness to create the joints to drain the water, or use drill and screwer, nor the rule for spacing out the frame.

Also replacing a stave is simple, since there is the male / female joint, or moving some stave in order to solve some problems under the floor. Furthermore, with special bearings, it is possible to create wood floors with slats positioned in all directions, with various designs.

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