Pottery between ancient and modern

Post from Editorials

The new proposals in the field of ceramic coating, in accordance with the dialogue between the ancient and new experiences combining ancient and avant-garde techniques.

Pottery between ancient and modern
Arch. Valentina Caiazzo
Arch. Valentina Caiazzo

Ceramics between ancient and modern

In the field of architecture and modern design, the research of dialogue between the ancient and the modern, is one of the key moments of the creative act.

Il museo d'Orsay a Parigi opera di Gae Aulenti Famous architects such as lamented Gae Aulenti, have made of it the main reason of theirs planning methodology, gaining the satisfaction of each type of user.

Italy, for his great artistic and cultural heritage, has always been the breeding ground for new ideas in all areas of industrial production, always looking for products that, by respect the environment, the value itself is part of the masterpiece, respect in each creation that indissoluble dialogue that bend the modern and antique.

Public events, such as international exhibitions or trade fairs dedicated to a particular product, compare ideas and different productions, in cui anyone can find translated into facts, those values that belong to the history of man.

In recent international manifestation of CERSAIE, held in Bologna in September 2012, attended by over a hundred thousand visitors, with over 30% coming from all over the world, interested in the fields of ceramics and bathroom furnishings architecture in all its expressive form, highlighted more than ever, such a comparison.

The event, confirmed once again, that despite the particular period of international economic crisis that we are experiencing, the companies of this sector, strive with great effort and renewed creative impulse, to bring the best in the industry.

New modern ceramic collections with an eye to the past

Una composizione ambygrey con muretto 3d For what concern the field of ceramics, the presence of foreign firms, has compared different cultures and products, in which, the Italian production on my opinion, is a factor of excellence, able to overcome any competition, if you compare all the foundamental elements that are required to distinguish a product of quality, innovation, and snappy design.

Among the Italian companies with a long tradition in the field of ceramics, the company Fiorano Modenese, Eighteenth century , presented five new proposals, with a high expressive design, refined, which finds in the contemporary trends and in the ancient traditions, continuous inspiration to create innovative, varied and appealing solutions.

Vintage, The Wall, Ermitage, Club, New Yorker, these are the names of the new collections presented in Hall No. 20 arranged in two booths very impressive, well-organized, where the visitor, after the first moment of great scenographic, is taken from an irresistible urge to lay his hand on the three-dimensional collection The Wall, realized with digital technology.

Two ceramic collections between modern and ancient

For the particularity of the compositional themes and the chance to give a sense of continuity with the outside to the realization of particular rooms, it seems right to me Particularly highlight characteristics of the two collections The Wall and Vintage.

Un particolare della collezione The Wall The collection The Wall, available in four colors and five sizes both for the floor and the coating, referring to the theme of the Berlin Wall and to what Berlin is in the international artistic expression, especially for young people, plays wisely with the renewed roughnesses of the modern mural representation and the themes such as murals and glass mosaics placed in it.

The memory of the past and the modern representation created by the use of modern digital techniques, are attracting the attention of any group of users, although on different grounds.

This type of glazed porcelain tiles, rectified, multiformed, realized with digital technology, in 4 colors (white, beige, gray, black) and 5 sizes (47.8 x97, 23.7 x97, 15.7 x97, 47.8 x47, 8, 23, 7x47, 8) both for floor and coating, is capable of arousing all the emotions that the life of a big city entails.

The collection offers a wide compositive choice to the interior designer who wants to create views and domestic spaces, modern, simple and very personal, entrusting to the particular 3d wall the task of taking out sense of the depth of the surface.

Una composizione con la collezione Vintage The company, always careful not to neglect the classical references of covering materials, in contrast with modern textures of the line The Wall, proposes with the Vintage line, the eternal charm and essence of wood inlay living through the ceramic in new and unexpected rooms created with the Vintage line .

While the line The Wall, gives the emotions of modern life with the simplicity of the past elements (the wall), the Vintage line wraps the viewer in a warm feeling tied to the memories of domestic warmth.

The atmosphere created by materials, such as wood with his lived image, includes in the inlays played on natural wood essences like pine, oak, fir, larch, ancient and cherished memories.

For the selection of decorative references, which go back to the manufacturing of another time in the old craft shops, for the guessed nuances in reference to the represented wood essences, the Vintage line that presents itself geometrically organized in a series of strips, in four different colors, and one with a crossed inlay, which is available in three versions, it is the ideal coating for all those rooms where you need to realize the suitable atmosphere respecting the building style.

Furthermore, for this specific La versatilità della linea Vintage impiegata in esternodesign is also provided a personalized decoration in Greek fret, that brings back to homes and modern residences the charm of ancient buildings.

The Vintage line made in Glazed porcelained, glazed and rectified gres is available in size 47.8 x47, 8 cm. and thanks to its specific characteristics of resistance, is also available in an anti-skid version, in the variant strips unit.

This feature allows you to bring the warmth and the charm of wood in outdoor environments and to the pool, with a very attractive image result of true immersion in a natural environment.

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