Watering during summer

Post from Editorials

To water the garden in the summer and the terrace, we must consider different aspects, such as the soil and the hours of the day in which to proceed with the operation.

Watering during summer
Arch. Valentina Caiazzo
Arch. Valentina Caiazzo

Tips for watering

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During the summer watering activities are very important for the health of the plants and take up a good part of the evening for those who have to deal with garden and terrace. However, if you organize well, you can reduce both the timing and the activities related to watering during the hottest time of the year.

Watering is critical to the success of a garden and a green space. Whether it's a vegetable garden or a small piece of garden, the amount of water is a precious resource and determines the proper growth and health of the specimens present in it.
In general, the best technique is to rain water: that is not a direct dose and plentiful, but sipped just like in the middle of a summer storm, not too strong.

Even when it comes to vegetables, the watering technique is preferable that goes to the ground and not the leaf. This will reduce the consumption of water, and not only because, by placing watering can or sprinklers in the right way, they will wet the areas around the plant you want, so that you soak the soil and the water reach the deep area of the roots faster, without the risk to evaporate and get dispersed.

Amount of water during the summer watering

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Also the question of the amount of water is important in the evaluation of a correct watering during summer. If you want to quickly develop a species, it is good to water a lot but not too often. In this way you avoid the puddles, which can also be caused by poor distribution of the soil and its organic parts, which often cause wood rot, especially if in conjunction with the intense bad weather of the summer.
To know how and when to water, there are also a few tricks. For example, you can calculate the depth of the soil and the height of the wet part. For the plants not to suffer, it is good that there is at least one layer of 4-6 cm of wet soil but not soaked. Before you proceed with the watering, you can move a bit the soil to check its height over time.

Regarding the timing of watering, the doses of water are not to be given under full sun. So go-ahead to early morning and evening/ night, so that the water remains for as long as possible without evaporating for the extreme heating. Another important element in these times of the day is that the water must not have a big difference in temperature compared to the soi temperature, which naturally heats up during the day.

Lawn and turf

Not all the green needs the same mode of watering. Depending on whether it is a tree or a grassy area, or a shrub, the water and the way of watering, change significantly.
Regarding the lawn, for example, to limit the dispersion of water and reduce the growth and the crushing of the mantle, you can proceed to rain with specific dispensers, possibly in motion, so as not to create stagnation and integrating a not excessive grass cutting, or leaving it a little higher, so as to limit the evaporation and then the soil is dried immediately.

There are other tricks that help for the proper maintenance of the lawn during the summer. To get an homogeneous distribution of water, it is better not to leave remnants and clippings of grass after cutting and maybe make holes in the ground so as to increase the aerated soil and so the water arrives more easily deep down to the roots.

Water potted plants

In addition to the lawn, many of the plants we have at home on the terrace or in the garden, are in pots. If these are in a clay pot, you have to remember that the soil inside tends to dry out more quickly, so the watering must be more frequent. For plants in plastic pots, instead, one can reduce the frequency, as well as in products and narrow-reduced, where the moisture takes more to evaporate.

In certain cases it may also have recourse to the use of decanted water, so as to reduce the amount of scale present inside it that can spoil the plants in question. So you can proceed by filling buckets and bottles of water, leave some time to rest in a corner, then administering the right dose, to the different species.

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