Watering cans for the green at home

Post from Editorials

In addition to classic watering cans on the market there are many design objects capable of performing the function for which they were designed and, at the same time, furnish.

Watering cans for the green at home
Arch. Ilenia Pizzico
Arch. Ilenia Pizzico

Care of home green: watering

annaffiatoioThe summer is the best season to take care of your green space: it could be a balcony or a terrace full of flowers, or a real garden, green contained in them should be maintained to ensure healthy growth of species during periods of scorching heat.
Flowers and plants need care consisting of regular pruning and fertilizing, as well as attention given daily by watering.

Each species, whether of flowers or plants, has a different need for water, but during the summer it is advisable to water the same in a systematic manner and without puddles of water that could cause damage. I finally want to remind you that watering should be carried out preferably in the early hours of the day or, alternatively, in the late evening.

For those who love the green, watering can also be a moment of relaxation during which taking care of your plants; this can be done manually, with the aid of a watering can, indicated especially for terraces and balconies, or with irrigation systems when it comes to real gardens.
In essence, the watering can is useful for a timely watering of plants and flowers in vase or small flower beds.

We all know the classic characteristics of a watering can: it is a container of different sizes, often green in color, with a handle for the grip, an hole for water inlet and a nozzle for its release.
In recent years, however, the designers have made watering cans in shapes and colors strange and extravagant, rejuvenating its look and, therefore, putting on display an object that was previously relegated to a corner of our terrace or in cabinets for tools.
Let's see some examples.

Watering cans for green

annaffiatoio gardeners The first product that we propose is very interesting because it combines two functions in a single object: this is a watering can combined with a spray nozzle.

It often happens to have in the house, in fact, plants that need on the foliage vaporized water, and this object, for sale on Gardeners, is able to perform both functions. It has a small size and it is made of clear plastic in colors blue and orange.

annaffiatoio ohlala Fun, colorful and customizable is instead the watering can Ohlala designed by CrousCalogero and produced by Qui est Paul: It is made in soft PVC that allows a diversification of the form in accordance with your taste, it has a rounded shape without a precise grip, as well as a hole for the water leak bigger than in the classics watering cans. It has a capacity of 2 liters and it is available in 17 different colors that are well suited to any type of terrace.

Speaking of water, one can not deal with saving and ecology: a clever and original solution, was proposed by a Dutch designer Bas van der Veer who made a watering can whose water supply is directly inside a drainpipe for rainwater.
The object consists of two parts: a reservoir of various sizes, depending on whether you are installing it in a small or large garden, and a watering can which starts to accumulate rain water that, in the majority of cases, would be dispersed into drains. This solution is useful for both the recovery of the water itself and the savings in the bill of drinking water that normally should not be used for irrigation.
Raindrop is available in several colors and two sizes, from 3.5 to 5 liters.

serbatoio di raccolta acqua piovana

Have you ever thought of giving new life to plastic water bottles?

annaffiatoio vice versa Staying on the theme of recycling and reuse one would think not to buy a new watering can but to use old plastic bottles that otherwise would be thrown away: to exploit them and to ensure maximum comfort when using the dispersion preventing water, on the market there are different applicators to be placed on the hole with the handle and/ or micro-holes for proper and easy use.

An example is given by Verso Diverso producted by Viceversa and designed by the French designer Nicolas Le Moigne: it is a cap, adaptable to almost all types of bottles, equipped with a nozzle for dispensing water and a handle, perfectly ergonomic and suitable for the grip. Available in five different colors is a very useful object to reuse plastic whose process of disposal or recycling we know to be very expensive and harmful to the environment.

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