Water your plants while saving water

Post from Editorials

Install an automatic programmer for watering the garden is an example of a simple trick to save water and environmentally sustainable.

Water your plants while saving water
Arch. Carmen Granata
Arch. Carmen Granata

Automatic programmer for irrigation

Climate change, pollution increases, indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources: these issues are now on the agenda and are closely related, as well as ecology, also with the economic situation.

Risparmiare acqua
Sustainable development, namely the search for a new balance between humanity and the planet, is the key to a truly positive growth, in the mentality of the people even before than in the market shares.
Reducing the waste of energy and water, reducing the environmental impact, ensuring a long life cycle of products, are today the absolute imperatives of each company that cares about its future and especially of the future of our planet.

Claber, Italian company of reference in the world of domestic and professional irrigation, has always been at the forefront in the field of sustainable development.
Choosing products by Claber means increasing the welfare of the plants and reducing waste.

Annaffiare le piante risparmiando: Hybrid Claber
Its research is aimed, in fact, to the full irrigation efficiency; close monitoring of the production phases and the choice of raw materials ensures a long life cycle of the product.
Installing an automatic programmer Claber is a simple and sustainable expedient, because you can irrigate better at the best time: after sunset and at dawn, minimizing water loss caused by evaporation.

The punctual regulation of the irrigation enables to water only where necessary and in the quantities strictly calibrated to the needs of the plants.
Take a few moments to set a tailored schedule, to open and close the water supply to the set times, even when you are on vacation!

Water your plants with Tempo Hybryd

It is called Tempo Hybrid, the new programmer signed by Claber, equipped with an integrated solar panel that absorbs solar energy, accumulating it in a new generation super capacitor. Its operation is guaranteed even if it is not directly exposed to sunlight or when the weather is cloudy.

The energy required by the programmer is provided 100% directly from the sun; AA battery to be inserted inside the unit has only a function of reserve power, to cope with all weather conditions.

Risparmiare acqua: Time Hybrid Claber
There is no any charging time to wait for: thanks to the innovative hybrid technology the programmer is ready to use! Tempo Hybrid is equipped with a large backlit display, to make legible all the information available.

The electronic part is sealed, the front panel is made of bi-material and protected by a transparent cover, against bad weather. It is designed for easy connection with a rain sensor, a device that block the water flow when it is needed, avoiding unnecessary waste.
The programmers Claber are entirely Made in Italy, checked and tested 100%.

The battery controller is the ideal complement for a drip system, with its micro sprinklers and drippers wet directly and calibrated to the root system of the plants, making possible to reduce by the 40% the water consumption and ensuring growth and flourishing of our plants.

Annaffiare le piante risparmiando acqua: irrigatore Claber
Saving water during irrigation, it is also to save the energy for its distribution from the water main, with a reduction in pollution and the exploitation of other limited natural resources.
In this way you save on utility bills and earn a garden, a terrace or a greener and lush garden: the nature thanks you!

Green World

Water your plants while saving water: Claber green world mission Claber decided to share their experiences with operators and consumers, synthesizing them with one name: Green-World.

With the site www.green-world.it, Claber want to communicate their own guidelines for sustainable development and concrete results: investments in hydropower and photovoltaic, energy savings in the production cycle, to reduce and recycle waste, in ecological packaging.

The site is also a source of information for everybody, on issues of sustainability, environmental protection and water management, in three sections, with specific articles:

- Earthgoodnews, a newsletter about the most innovative initiatives and positive for the future of the planet;
- Ecoadvices, a guide with simple tips for living and consuming more environmentally friendly;
- Aqualove, to know more and more and to better manage the water, not only for irrigation but in all aspects of environmental, industrial and cultural.

Where to go?

Claber logo Claber is the Italian company of reference in the world of irrigation, where you can find all the devices most all vanguard for watering plants in the garden at home.

Green-World is the new contribution of Claber for a real quality of the environment, economic progress and of daily life: a commitment that continues for decades and growing every day!

Via Pontebbana 22
33080 Fiume Veneto
Tel. +39 0434/958836

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