Ornamental apple tree in the garden

Post from Editorials

The ornamental apple tree is one of those plants that can illuminate and color the garden, both in spring and in autumn, with flowers or small decorative fruits.

Ornamental apple tree in the garden
Arch. Valentina Caiazzo
Arch. Valentina Caiazzo

Flowering apple tree in the garden

melo ornamentale montserrat Fall is a great time to plant an apple tree ornament, beautiful in the spring, when it starts to bloom, and in the cold season, when they get colorful fruits.
The apple tree is an easy plant to grow, belonging to the genus Malus, and to the family Rosaceae, which includes several species of different types, which differ in the type of flower and fruit.

The ornamental apple trees can be easily grown even in areas quite cold, possibly far from the sea, but where frosts are not too sudden, but gradual and rather sweet, with peaks around 10 -15 °C below zero.

Planting and ornamental characteristics of the apple tree

melo ornamentale, malus hornet The ornamental apple tree should be placed in sunny areas of the garden, with soil possibly acid and not too loose. Avoid the soil is too sandy or clay much.
As regards the plant, the apple tree ornamental flowering should be placed in a hole large and deep at least half a meter, if the plant you purchased is contained in a jar average, of about 30 - 35 cm in diameter. You must proceed with caution, removing the apple tree, trying not to break the clod of earth with the roots and then gently use your hands to facilitate the operation, the plant can lie on the ground by placing the pot on a side.

melo ornamentale 2 The ornamental apple tree is then inserted into the hole, leaving the collar of clod bait at least two or three inches and covering the rest and the bottom of the hole with soil excavation and soil. Before completing the filling operation is required in the ground a little guardian of at least 2 to 2.50 m high, right next to the trunk of the apple tree just planted ornamental. In this way, securing it with twine, it will help the plant in the development vertical correctly.
Once planted, the ornamental apple tree is wet every day a little, until it is completely bare foliage, proceeding on a regular basis do not overdo it with the amount of water.

The watering the plant should be taken with the arrival of spring, first with operations twice a week, as long as the temperature remains mild and the buds have not yet bloomed, then progressing every day, with the arrival of summer heat and drought.

fiori di melo ornamentale In this case it is also preferable to dig a small concentric groove, a few centimeters away from the trunk, so as to help with the irrigation water, to keep the soil moist.
Once grown, the apple tree is freed and the guardian of the string, this must be done about 2 years after the home. Prior to this period, however, it is good to move the point of binding, so as not to spoil the trunk.

Winter activities are reduced, only with the arrival of spring, right at the first warm days, we proceed with the remove dead branches and any suckers born at the base of the plant, which could weaken the growth of the apple tree ornaments.

Ornamental varieties of apple

The ornamental varieties of apple are very different. The main differences are in the shape of the foliage, oval or rounded and the color of the flowers, always very scenic, with shades ranging from white to pink to deep purple.

melo ornamentale, malus golden hornet Among the most interesting is the variety Malus x glorious Golden Hornet, characterized by a rounded habit, a thick head of hair and oval leaves and jagged very long. This ornamental apple tree has fruits very small, elongated and yellowish gold that resist the plant for a long time, even after the branches have lost their leaves.

The Malus John Downie is an interesting variety of ornamental apple tree. In this case, the flowers are white and quite large, but that bloom from buds pink, with the beginning of spring and the fruits are yellow - red and round, which grow in clusters on the branches. Ideal for small gardens and can be cultivated in semi shaded areas and combined with other species, such as Spiraea, always the family Rosaceae, which is characterized by micro expanse of white flowers that grows at the end of winter.

melo ornamentale in fiore If you want something tall and upright, however, the Malus Tschonoskii is the right tree, the flowers, white and rose slightly in early spring, followed by foliage that takes on different shades with the seasons and very colorful, as yellow, orange and deep red, with the arrival of autumn. This season, there appears also round fruit, always characterized by shades of red and very decorative.

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