How to repair a carpet

Post from Editorials

When the carpet is irreparably damaged in some part intervene immediately to prevent that the damage extends further.

How to repair a carpet
Paolo Fertig
Paolo Fertig

How to repair carpet

When the carpet is irreparably damaged in some part intervene immediately to prevent the damage extends further.
Remember, when lay in place a new carpet, always keep a supply of it, which can be valuable to carry out repairs.

1) To fix a glued carpet lay the new patch on the damaged part.

Riparare la moquette
2) Cut with a sharp knife at the same time the patch and the carpet below, so that the edges match up.
Remove the damaged piece and clean the floor thoroughly.

3) Apply glue for carpet both on the floor and below the patch, then apply it without dirtying the top.

Riparare la moquette
4) Using a mallet, tap the center and along the edges of the patch to ensure a perfect adhesion.

Then place some weight on the repaired area.

5) A very small damage can be repaired by removing the damaged part with a punch for hydraulic seals.

Place your die on the spot to be repaired and beat with a mallet, and then remove the disk of carpet.

Riparare la moquette
6) On a piece of carpet equal to that obtained from a repair patch with the same die.
Glue the patch in place with carpet adhesive.

7) To fix the carpet with long pile purchase some adequate wool and cut the ends of the threads.

Riparare la moquette
8) Remove the damaged strands with scissors;
Apply contact adhesive on the bottom of the hole and sneak tufts of wool to fill it.

9) A tear on a non glued carpet can be repaired turning it and sewing the lattice substrate.

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