How to customize the bookshelf

Post from Editorials

Some tips to customize your library and low cost make it a unique piece, simply by using wallpaper, stickers or special shelves.

How to customize the bookshelf
Arch. Valentina Caiazzo
Arch. Valentina Caiazzo

ikea billy graffiti We often speak of libraries and choice of furniture for the living room. Sometimes you buy the complete package, including in the living room more coordinated furnishings. Other times, a bit for all practical purposes, a bit also for economic reasons, the choice is of low cost and bought furniture at a later time.

As we have seen recently for the sofas and chairs, however, not everyone is thrilled to have pieces of furniture standards and so widespread.
To stand out, however, there are several methods that allow you to customize the most of your bookshelf, making it a unique piece.

Bookshelf revisited

billy ikea, fondo azzurro We've all seen at least once. Billy the bookshelf of the giant Ikea is one of the most popular and famous among the products of low cost brand par excellence.
Established in 1979, sold more than 40 million copies, is a timeless piece that is as revisited by the brand, colors and finishes down a bit 'special and original.

Nothing prevents, however, also use their own ideas, revisiting with wallpaper and fabrics alternative, turning a piece so simple into something more.
An interesting idea is to cover the back with wallpaper in contrasting shades of background which echoes the color of the same Billy.

button vintage, studio Ditte Or you can wander and choose something different and a little vintage. Beautiful and original wallpaper Button Vintage Studio Companies , suitable for both adults and children, and above all washable.

It can be useful for example to decorate a simple bookshelf for the children's room, to be placed horizontally, so as to take advantage of an additional shelf in the early days, just like a typical bedroom Montessori.

Another way, however, always linked to the wallpaper is not the use of wallpaper, but stickers , positioned as desired. In this case, being a library with various functions in the living room, better opt for stickers with a repeating pattern.

stickers Le civette sul Comò Perfect, for example, the dots offered by The Owls on chest of drawers designed by Sophie Cordier, available in different colors and can also be purchased directly on the site to 22 euro.

Tips on customizing Ikea Billy also come from the same, a bit as it happened on the feast of the thirty years of the famous piece of furniture a few years ago, so the brand has launched a series Billy effect graffiti, revisited different colors.

The review of the piece of furniture in some cases is even with the choice of color finish. Sometime ago it are views of yellow and green color, ideal for lovers of strong colors and little houses minimal.

ikea billy fondo carta da parati, designsponge Any other suggestions on using alternative library Billy comes from Design Sponge , the famous blog of furniture, which suggests the use of a Billy along with beautiful wallpapers proposed by Orla Kiely.

Who does not want to be daring with colors on the walls a bit out of the ordinary, however, can jump on customizing the bottom of the library. If this is simple, as in the case of a Billy, can try to use a tint in contrast. The effect will be more soft and shelves will act so only by frames. Especially ideal for those who use the library as well as an exhibition of vases and pictures.

Adds on to the bookshelf

Pimp my Billy, Ding3000 Finally, not only revisiting and your background. There are those who also created the adds on to change the inside of Billy itself.
I'm talking about Ding3000 , a study made by a team of three designers, specializing in innovative and modern products for the home and beyond.

A catalog, even Pimp my Billy, a shelf particular, the curious shape of a branch, or lectern, which fits perfectly within the library low cost, transforming the interior into something less boring. Beautiful and colorful, the shelf is made of MDF painted in various colors.

If we then take and taste from the library you want to go to the rest, we mark Mykea , a site dedicated to the customization of the furnishings of the brand, through the use of stickers.
Beautiful and colorful, over time, have been enriched by a number of versions available for both adults and for children. Although the proposals of the site focus on the doors, nothing prevents reuse the background, or even on the sides. Prices? Appropriate. Are around 20 to 30 euro. Take a ride.

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