Prefabricated wooden houses

Post from Editorials

The message left by Klimahouse 2013 was loud and clear: to build using wood is good value, from all points of view.

Prefabricated wooden houses
Arch. Raffaella Pierri
Arch. Raffaella Pierri

Prefabricated houses and future

The message left by Klimahouse 2013 is loud and clear: to build using wood is good value, from all points of view. First, a wooden house is environmentally friendly, thanks to materials used and thanks also to the construction systems, so it is efficient in terms of energy, in almost all cases in class A.
Log House. Wooden house
It is also safe as concerns seismic point of view, and its aesthetics has nothing to envy to a house built through traditional systems. Most important, a wooden house is good value because it does not cost more than a classic building in masonry or reinforced concrete, even if of same size.

So, as well as we saw at the Fair, dispelled nowadays any possible doubt as regards technical side, the approach to this type of construction is much quieter than a few years ago, even because the manufacturers of these products have increased, ensuring all of them high standards quality.

The vast majority of these companies are structured so as to produce the complete house, providing design, materials and skilled labor for interior and exterior finishes. Many are also able to provide furniture, taken from catalogue or to achieve through customer's design.

This fact undoubtedly involves a continuous monitoring of the whole production process, guaranteeing, in addition to execution quality, also a better aesthetic quality, relying, just to give an example, on the same wood species for the structure, for window frames and exposed panels, for furniture, paneling and floors or ceilings.

Prefabricated houses to live in a healthy way

Log House produces wooden houses with frame structures (timber frame), X-lam Log House.  X-Lam Panelpanels , or mixed structures. Company's pride and joy, as they like to call it themselves, is the construction system without use of adhesives, for a further guarantee confirming that these are indeed concrete expressions of the concept of green architecture.

There are 10 steps to clearly illustrate the advantages of building with wood, according to Log House, but these steps sum now common knowledge in this field:

- Health and energy saving

- Total customizing

- Cost savings

- Fixed price and definite time

- Earthquake proof structure

- Protection against fire

- Acoustic comfort

- Clean and quiet building yard

- Durability

- Certification

If you want to dwell on some of these points, just to better explain the content, we say that certainly the aspect that concerns health and energy saving is the one that more than any other is of interest for those who are about to consider a wooden house.

Log House. All this thanks precisely to the intrinsic properties of wood itself: it has a low thermal conductivity, is breathable and regulates the microclimate preventing mold. Coupled with other natural materials it ensures cool in summer and warm in winter, decisively reducing energy consumption.

The comfort and well-being are thus guaranteed in an environmentally friendly way, thanks to the so-called thermal wave phase shift allowed by this construction, taking into account the needs of the customer and the climatic zone. This way the use of heating-plant is limited and this further contributes to improve the voice energy and cost savings.

As regards the comparison for price-performance-size with traditional construction, it should be to the benefit of wooden construction, thanks to its ability to have minimum perimeter thickness for the same performance, because of the materials used for these constructions. Such good performance would be possible, in a traditional building, only with the increase of the section and the use of more expensive materials.

Prefabricated houses in certain times and set price

Log House. Wooden House Vega A wooden house is pre-assembled in the factory and then the pieces, including the electrical and hydraulic systems are assembled on site, which is why both the price and the time are established with certainty.

It is ensured, this way, also the management of the building yard, clean and silent, as there isn't, for example, production of wastage materials or other aggressive materials normally used in classic construction sites, or the comings and goings of polluting heavy vehicles for the transport or processing of normal building materials.

Prefabricated houses in solid wood with wooden screws

Casa Salute. Wood screws
Casa Salute distributes in Italy the brand Nur-Holz, house facilities made only with wood, and with only wood we mean wooden screws, too.

Of course, Rolf Rombach offers a special technique of fixing the layers of wood: tables oriented horizontally, vertically and diagonally, are joined through beech wooden screws to the internal supporting structure, thus ensuring a perfect brace.

The inner hole is provided with a thread that allows the precise insertion of the screw, stopping it, however, 2 cm before it passes the last internal plank with thickness of 4 cm. The screw, among other things, is dried to 6% and so it absorbs the surrounding moisture of wood, dried to 12%, so as to expand and work through damping factor closing.

The company does not produce standard houses, but also makes the design of curved structures, due to its special construction system. The typical wall thickness ranges from 12 to 35 cm, is made of plywood with a large heat capacity, and is breathable, thanks also to the absence of adhesives, the layers of which would make it totally waterproof. The reaction to changes of temperature is fast outside and slow inside.

Casa Salute. Solid wood walls The high mass that constitutes the wall makes this construction system act as natural air conditioning system, since it significantly slows the thermal summer wave, (over 20 hours of phase difference), which, in practice, never reaches the interior of the dwelling.

The solid wood panels make these homes much more soundproofed than wooden frame building. Even the solid wood floor is much more isolated than reinforced concrete one.

The solid wood is a good protection even in the case of high-frequency radiation.

In case of fire, a structure of this type remains stable, in addition the block of solid wood burns only at the surface, because it creates a layer of coal that divides the flames from the inside of the structure.

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