Vinyl foam wallpaper

Post from Editorials

With three-dimensional effect wallcovering, vinyl wallpaper plays with light and color, and it is soft and warm to the touch.

Vinyl foam wallpaper
Arch. Nora Santonastaso
Arch. Nora Santonastaso

Scegliere la carta da parati Wallpapers, how to dress a wall

Several times you can hear that wallpaper is a kind of shield of the wall. Normally it's useful to protect and decor the underlying surface giving to the room a very particular tone due to the material of the paper or its preciousness. This aspect is particularly interesting as there are various material for the wallpapers: paper for sure but also vegetable fibers, metals or precious texture like silk.

If you think to a normal wallpaper you normally imagine something strictly two dimensional but in this days you can find precious texture linked to lights games or high tech materials that can give to the surface unusual effects of depth or chiaroscuro.

Vinyl foam three dimensional

wallpaper 3DFor sure one of this new materials is vynil: it's warm and soft to the touch but is also easy to wash or easy to be paint.
This particular wallpaper is on the market in sheets or rolls with the base made in fabric/non fabric texture (TNT) or paper.
The three dimensional effect is due to a particular machine that rolling the surface warms and pumps the vynil reproducing the desiderated drawing (arabesques, floral decorations, geometric patterns).

Moreover this particular wall paper is very easy to place as the base texture is more durable and manageable than standard ones. It has a very particular grip on the a hands giving the opportunity to make decorative and personal effects to the wall.

Particular glue to install vinyl wall papers

glue for wallpaperTo fix this particular wallpaper you need to use specific glues for heavy wallpaper as, for example, the Saratoga 124V that is studied to grant a high adhesive power in humidity circumstances as you can have in bathrooms or kitchens.

Another useful glue is the Metylan produced by Henkel. In this case we suggest to use the Spezial version which is the ideal solution for difficult surfaces.
In both cases is very important to follow strictly the manufacturer's instructions for what concern the preparation of the products and the times for placing and drying of the glue.

How to choose the vinyl wallpaper

Before think to the glue, however, you should have a clear idea of what you want from your vinyl wallpaper. In this sense you have also to think to the possibility of paint the vinyl foam giving to it a very particular tone. If you paint the vinyl foam with different colors a geometric design it become a very interesting drawing and it can accord it to all the colors of the room.
On Ebay you can find a lot of products but we suggest two particular store which are specialized on this particular product.

Paintable wallpapers

printable wallpaperThe first one is eMAD-store which has a specific category dedicated to paintable wallpapers in vinyl that can be treated after the placement. The cost of this specific wallpapers is around 10 euro for a roll (not included the shipping costs).

With this particular products you can change the tone of the room with an easy painting procedure. If you want you can also proceed with two different colors to give very particulars effects.
If you don't want to paint on the eMad website you can find also a very large collection of standard wallpapers useful to be used on all the parts of the house from the living room to the kids bedroom.

prof HomeWallpapers with stone or stucco effect

The second e bay shop that we suggest is PRO[f]home. In this web site you can find a large range of designs realized on vinyl foams and in the Versailles collection became a very particular effect like stucco or natural stone.
The cost in this case is around 12 euro for a roll (shipping cost not included).

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