Until now there were two kinds of sealants, with cement and epoxies bases.
The cement-based grouts require careful preparation of the dough, with a proper mixing ratio between the cement and water.
Excessive quantities of water lower the mix the mechanical properties of the hardened product and can alter the color of the grout. This problem does not occur in the case of epoxy fillers, that are predosed two-components chemical compounds, to be mixed at the time of use.
However, they require the knowledge of specific technical time of installation which, if not met, may create problems during the cleaning phase. Any marks left on the tiles can still be removed, after 24 hours, with a special cleanser.
This problem does not occur in the case of epoxy fillers, which are chemical compounds based on polyurethane pre-measured, to be mixed at time of use.
However, they require knowledge of specific technical time of installation which, if not met, may make it less easy for cleaning phase. Any marks left on the tiles you can still delete, after 24 hours, with a special cleanser.
Litokol has created a third alternative to the traditional solutions for grouting: This is Monomix, a water based polyurethane sealant, one-component, ready to use and reusable, suitable for grouting joints between ceramic tiles and glass mosaics from 1 to 6 mm wide, suitable for wall applications, both indoors and outdoors, while indoor floor only.
Containing no cement is a very elastic material, so it lends itself especially for applications in tiling that are particularly susceptible to vibrations or deformations and that do not lead to the formation of efflorescence, as can occur for cementitious materials.
Furthermore, the fact that this is a product that does not require any preparation in the construction site, means that we do not create dust in the environment, as it happens for cementitious grouts.
The sealant is available in the Classic range, which includes 12 different color shades, from the lightest to the warmest, to which you can add the additives Spotlight and Gold, which allow you to get unique and exclusive effects.
The coloring is achieved by superficially colored ceramic inert quartz aggregates, for this reason are not released pigments on the tiles surface and the cleaning is easier. Being the binder composed of polyurethane resins in aqueous dispersion, the material is very stable to light and therefore is not subject to yellowing or color changes under the effect of the solar rays.
The fillings are also waterproof thanks to special additives present in the compound.
Monomix is very easy to put in work, and also it is also possible to reuse it. Indeed, if exceed a part of the product, you can just leave it in its original packaging and store it at room temperature between 5°C and 35°C for reuse also a few months later, thereby avoiding unnecessary waste.
It is a safe product for installers, because it lacks in its composition of corrosive or irritant substances and solvents. In addition, like all products of the range Starlike® releases a very low amount of volatile organic compounds, so as to fall within VOC A+ class.
The application of Monomix can be done at temperatures between 10°C and 30°C and avoiding excessive air currents that would precociously dry the product.
Once opened, it is advisable to mix it gently with a trowel or a metal spatula.
The mixture should be applied with a rubber spatula, making diagonal movements and removing the excess. The filling must be performed on areas not exceeding 3-4 square meters at a time, immediately followed by the cleaning of the surface, where the joints have been filled. If the temperatures are close to 30° C, reduce this procedure to surfaces from 1 sqm at a time.
In hot climates, to facilitate the application, you can moisten the surface of the tiles with a sponge, avoiding stagnation of water.
It is important to clean up after the application, simultaneously with the grouting of small areas. It must be done with the supplied sponge, wrung out and executing circular movements and without leaving marks. Every 10 square meters the rinse water should be changed.
If after 24 hours after the application there are still residual rings, it is possible to intervene with neutral cleaner Monomix Cleaner Gel: distribute the product, after a few minutes rub it with white felt, rinse it with the sponge and then dry it with a soft cloth.
Daily cleaning can be done, however, with common detergents on the market, according to the instructions on the package.
Litokol is a company from Reggio specializing in making products for the installation of building materials. In its production stands out the exclusive range Starlike®, which Monomix is part of.
Litokol Spa
Via G.Falcone, 13/1 42048 Rubiera (Reggio Emilia)
Tel: 0522622811 - Fax: 0522620150