Insulating plaster

Post from Editorials

The insulating plaster can be a viable alternative to thermal insulation coatings to properly insulate a building, new or existing.

Insulating plaster
Vito De Natale
Vito De Natale

What is the thermal insulation plaster?

To properly insulate the walls of buildings and take care of an ineffective heat insulation, a possible alternative to the insulation coatings, is constituted by a particular type of plaster that can be prepared in situ without the need for specialized labor.

intonaco termoisolante In fact the processes of packaging and installation are the same as traditional plasters, but for insulating plaster mixture comprises the inert by the particular characteristics and may reach thicknesses of more than the usual stratigraphy.

The market for building solutions for walls thermal insulation is constantly on the move because the Italian rules are slowly moving in the local building codes, pushing designers, builders and contractors to conform to regulatory requirements first to get the urban habilitation titles but, at the same time, and perhaps most importantly, to update the houses to the level of comfort needed to ensure adequate living space and energy savings.

The thermal insulating plasters are mainly composed of hydraulic binders, fibers and additives, they can be used quickly and effectively on existing walls, no less than on new construction buildings, able to guarantee the realization of an outer coat to the walls that regulates exchanges energy between external and internal environment.
Below are some suggestions about existing products on the market that fall within the type treated here.

Some examples of thermal insulating plasters

Intonaco isolante Thermocap THERMOCAP by Index is an insulating plaster dry premix consisting of inert special light silicate pure, hydraulic binders, fibers and additives that facilitate the installation and ensure proper adhesion even with strong thickness and on any type of masonry.

The characteristics of the materials used, ensure this plaster thermal insulation, mechanical strength, durability, breathability and absolute inertia to fire.

The product is therefore ideal for the realization of gypsum-coat and ensures a perfect seal both to the old walls that to those of new construction.

The formulation based on natural silicates enters this product in Class 0 fire resistance to the Italian legislation and also it is an environmentally friendly product.

Isolante termico Vitherm di Villaga Vitherm by Villaga is a premixed insulating plaster, to be applied by hand or machine, based on cement and polystyrene beads, with the addition of specific additives, measured in constant ratio, that improve workability and adhesion.

With Vitherm is possible to realize a mineral insulation, high vapor permeability, which ensures dry walls, warm in winter and cool in summer, thus contributing to saving energy costs for heating and cooling buildings.

It is then possible to solve condensation problems and to mitigate the thermal bridges, but it is not a suitable product, however, for the situations with the presence of rising moisture.

With a plastering machine is possible to make applications for thicknesses ranging from a minimum of 2 cm to a maximum of 4 cm.
For greater thickness, however, it is advisable to divide the application into several phases waiting between the one and the other, which is started and the socket have elapsed, then, at least 3 or 4 hours.
For application with thicknesses greater than 4 cm, also, you should use for the final smoothing, a specific network port plaster.

intonaco Diatonite Evolution Diathonite Evolution by DIA SEN Srl is a premixed solution whose main components are cork, clay, dust diathomeic additives and natural aggregates with hydraulic lime NHL 3.5 forming an insulating mortar with functions of dehumidification and sound absorption, used both for the insulation perimeter walls as interventions to achieve acoustic insulation between separate housing units or correction of sound absorption coefficients between rooms of the same house.

According to the technical data provided by the manufacturer, for achievements in the two localized climatic zones that contain most of the Italian provinces (Zone D and E), to be in accordance with the parameters of Decree No. 311/2006, updated to 2010 may be sufficient from a minimum of 3 cm of Diathonite Evolution - for walls made of Zone D with the thermal block of 35 cm and internal plaster of 1.5 cm - to a maximum of 10 cm - for walls made of brickwork Zone E mixed of 60 cm and 1.5 cm internal plaster; also the high breathability of the product has the ability to absorb and release water vapor improving the microclimate housing and allows a good transpiration of the masonry solving the problem of capillary rise of moisture and salts.

intonaco Sanawarme- installazione in opera Sanawarme by Azichem Srl is a product based on natural materials such as hydraulic lime, kaolin, expanded perlite, cork flour, selected aggregates, stabilizing agents, specific compounds antisalini, natural fibers for reinforcement, that with the simple addition of water to produce the plaster ready to be applied, which the particular honeycomb structure, coupled with the presence of microbubbles of air included, ensures a high thermal insulation power even with thicknesses modest due to its low thermal conductivity and appears to be highly breathable, thanks to its components natural minerals, and able to ensure a good dehumidifying action by virtue of its hygroscopic qualities.

The laying of the product, the characteristics of the mixture of the components also provide a good sound insulation, can be easily performed both manually as with the aid of pumps plastering with mixer, application, the latter is preferable for works of a certain entity; data sheets provided by the manufacturer show several tables, for each climate zone required by applicable securities laws, with comparative data related to the thickness of Sanawarme needed to reach the transmittance values required to meet standards for more than 40 different types of external walls, divided by thickness and type of materials used.

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