Who is going to buy an accommodation of old bill, usually with the need to intervene with a restructuring (partial or total) of the building, designed to improve the functionality of the rooms. The nature and amount of these works may vary depending on the individual needs of the family and consistency of the works.
If the latter are structural intervention is more complex and requires a comprehensive analysis of the effects of these changes on the static behavior of the entire building complex.
A clear difference, between the various dynamics found in this area, arise in the case in which interventions relate buildings made ??with masonry or reinforced concrete.
On the first point, that is the subject of a previous article , having as its object the opening of spaces of passage walls (made of irregular blocks) thick. It is clear that the purpose of these works is to make it more usable interior space environments, delimited by solid masonry walls.
For the second case, of course it is easier to redistribute the functions of the various local, since the internal divisions are formed by partition walls in brick non-load bearing and therefore easy to remove.
Apart from this consideration, in fact, these interventions, however, determine the design constraints, such as nell'accorpamento of two building units.
This architectural solution provides (in some cases) to realize, two separate units, a duplex apartment with living area downstairs and sleeping area on the upper floor. A prerequisite that must be observed for these interventions, involves implementation of the hole on the floor, required to switch the internal scale of communication between the two living spaces.
Although conceptually difficult, this mode of operation is very common and only requires a close examination of the texture of the floor, ie the arrangement and connection system of reinforced concrete beams.
This aspect determines, at design time, the internal distribution of the premises and the resulting position of the scale of connection.
In order to give some useful suggestions, and then to allow a personal assessment and exchange of views with the own designer, we list two examples to follow applicants.
It remains clear that the various problems require the aid of a qualified professional that will follow the customer both in the design stage and is enforceable of the work.
To make this more clear intervention, just look at the attached picture shows where the cut of a slab made ??of reinforced concrete, brick drilled (hollow) and reinforcing bars.
With this operating procedure is interrupted, in fact, the continuity of the static horizontal structure by placing the ends of the slab without support base and then without the possibility of transmission of loads.
To understand this dynamic, just think of the consequences of cutting a beam holding a cover and the immediate collapse of the same. A constructive solution, which can be adopted in these cases, plans to shore up the slab and achieve, along the peripheral edges of the hole, the curbs or beams in thickness which, grafted to the external frame reconstruct, in fact, the structural continuity of the slab.
In another picture attached, shows a structural diagram used for these interventions.
In this hypothesis, does not decompose the static structure, since the cutting takes place according to the arrangement of the joists, and then is maintained, in fact, the original distribution of the loads of the slab.
This solution, compared to the example mentioned in the previous paragraph, allows, as well as a greater freedom of design, also a reduction of the costs of construction, provided for the intervention.
Should not be overlooked, as well as the peculiarities of specified, even the less invasiveness of this constructive solution on existing structures. To complete the operation, after the cutting of the hole, it is necessary anyway recompose and finish the edge of the slab with a simple concrete curb also not armed.
Just as for the first hypothesis, in Annex have been inserted photo concerning the cutting of a floor and a structural diagram type.
Remains to show, for each solution, the importance of compliance and safety of the static structure.