Floating Floor

Post from Editorials

Let's talk about an optimal solution for steps to be taken in case of pipes and cables, thermal insulation and acoustic insulation or restructuring of valuable properties.

Floating Floor
Arch. Ilenia Pizzico
Arch. Ilenia Pizzico

Features of floating floor

The floating floor or laminate is a type of raised coating constituted, from the bottom, by a base support which distances it from the original floor, a reinforcement structure or a moisture barrier, by a internal bearing structure, often constituted by a wood panel, and the upper trim to choose between several finishes: hardwood floors, porcelain tile, granite, etc.

pavimento flottante The support structure for interior is often constituted by steel feet that can be glued or fixed to the base floor, adjustable in height; they are associated with some crosspieces that are to form a real network of support that ensures stability; depending on the load that the floor will bear you need to choose different support structures.
For outdoor environments the supports are, however, in plastic material.
Some profiles bordered along the perimeter complete the whole, to ensure the water sealing in case of infiltration and optional soundproof mats that ensure acoustic insulation and absence of creacks.

The laying can be performed in any environment with the hope that the original laying surface is the most level and homogeneous as possible, in order to ensure ease in assembly and stability of the structure.

The choice of a floating floor is often dictated by technical requirements: it is installed in the case of internal renovations or new external spaces to allow the passage of cables and pipes, or thanks to its insulating properties, both thermal and acoustic, in places which require a greater isolation.

In the event of restructuring, especially in historic and valuable buildings, is often used a floating floor made in glass, so as not to obscure the original flooring but protecting it from wear; in the case of traditional houses you can choose from laminated coatings, resilient as PVC or linoeum, or even textile finishes such as carpeting or wooden floors or ceramic, etc.
In this case the installation of a floating floor allows the passage of pipes and cables beneath the same, without having to carry out building works; in case of malfunctions or failures, it will be necessary, to simply lift the panels with the use of a suction cup.

Outdoor, the panel will have to present a greater capacity of resistance to temperature changes and water tightness.
But let us see some examples of floating floors and their performance characteristics.

Examples of floating floor

Installing a floating floor does not mean sacrificing aesthetics, limiting the choice of different types of coatings: as mentioned above, in fact, you can choose between a wide range of finishes, as if it was a normal floor.

Novoceram, for example, is a company dedicated to the production of raised floors designed as a synthesis of technology and elegance, functionality and visual quality: among the latest record line Formes, floating floor with mass colored finish in porcelain.
It is a modular system, available in four sizes and three different colors with obvious variations in color and veining, essential elements for laying a floor inspired by nature.

pavimento flottante Novoceram

In short, in ceramic, hardwood or laminate, a floating floor has advantages in terms of technic and can not fault the aesthetic.
Not pausing then on the examples of the various materials on the market, we analyze a technological evolution of the floating floor which makes it a very interesting solution to install.

pavimento flottante sunfloor Teknofloor is a company specialized in the construction of raised floors, or as the company says, superadvanced; among the various types, we mention an interesting project: Sunfloor, radiating panel for raised floors that warms, dehumidify and increases the environmental comfort. But let's see of it works.

It is a series of radiant panels operated by a digital systems that, working as a thermostat, allow to adjust power on and off, as well as the temperature; the system relies on the diffusion of heat by radiation, allowing it to spread the heat uniformly.
Being able to connect a limited number of panels to the control units, it is necessary to plan correctly both the number and the positioning in relation to the conformation of the environment.

The advantages, however, are many: ease in installation and removal, with the possibility of transport system even in case of removal, reduced power consumption estimated in order of 220 W per day with 45 cents of expenditure for the panel; possibility of connection of the system to production systems of alternative electric energy, such as photovoltaic or mini-wind.

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