Anti-graffiti treatments

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The products are antigraffito products cleaners thanks to which it is possible to remove, even in depth, the paints used to realize graffiti.

Anti-graffiti treatments
Arch. Natalia Di Pasquali
Arch. Natalia Di Pasquali In the past thirty years we have witnessed the growth of a new cultural movement called writing.

The characteristic is to produce real graffiti that color urban spaces, sometimes degraded.

Often, however, we are faced with horrible signs and obscene written matter affecting the facades of our houses, as well as offending good taste and decency, contribute to the degradation of the urban environment in which we live.

What to do in these cases?

If on the one hand should conduct an awareness campaign to prevent such reprehensible phenomenon, on the other you are forced to put a remedy to private initiative.

This is possible thanks to the marketing of certain products that, over time, manufacturers have developed to give a concrete answer to this need.

What are the antigraffito products

The antigraffito cleaners are products which, thanks to their chemical component, once applied on the surface to be treated, are able to dissolve paints, markers and sticky residue, from the support of the facade.

They are usually of impregnating products, used for stone surfaces.

Recently, some manufacturers have developed products are also suitable for metal supports or glazed.

It has been extended in this way, the scope and with excellent results.

Characteristics of the antigraffito products

The products designed to remove the stains and graffiti have written with the characteristic of protecting porous materials, ensuring the surfaces due to the action messy paints and oils.

Depending on the manufacturers may have a milky white appearance.

The Colorificio MP produces Protexil Antigraffiti, an impregnating silane / siloxane, high capacity water-oil repellent water-soluble. The active ingredients used are sacrificial waxes, dissolved in water, and silane / siloxane modified.

This type of product can penetrate deep into the matter avoiding, at the same time, to modify their appearance and the intrinsic peculiarities of the treated material.

The action to ensure action is hydrophobic and oleophobic, for which, oil stains, grease, paint, can be removed with ease.

The product is completely odorless and does not contain elements harmful to humans and the environment.

Areas of application of anti-graffiti products

The antigraffito products are particularly suitable to be used for the protection of bricks, tiles, brick, stone, marble, murals and absorbent media glassy or metallic.

Obviously, after the application of the product antigraffiti, must remain unaltered the appearance of the surface on which it has been applied and must be ensured permeability to water vapor.

At the same time, however, the reduction should be guaranteed, at least 90%, the absorption of water.

The treatments antigraffiti allow the removal of graffiti paints and sprays also on recoveries rather delicate, such as those that affect areas from historical artistic value.

How to remove graffiti

Before removing paint and graffiti found in written, it takes some preparatory actions.

It is to arrive at a treatment of the stone surface assuming careful cleaning.

Then you can proceed with the execution of the removal chemical, mechanical or pressurized, every single graffiti.

Once yield clean and free from impurities the entire surface, it will proceed with the rinsing of the same.

At this point, with sprayer manual, we proceed to the application of wall protector.

It is necessary to treat a limited area of ??the surface, so as to be able to pass a second coat within three hours after the first application.

The Dry Wall System, sells a protective sacrificial anti-graffiti protection walls.

It is a single-component system extremely based fluid microcrystalline waxes, nonionic.

Advantages of antigraffito

Use antigraffito products removes unpleasant vandalism facades of buildings and houses and, at the same time to prevent the penetration of paint for future writing.

These emulsions protective, in fact, are usually of the products from the permanent capacity hydro-and oil-repellents, invisible to the eye.

The advantage of applying these products lies in being able to protect the treated surfaces from penetration of paints and varnishes, difficult to remove.

These products are non-toxic and easy to use, they are also UV stable and resistant to weathering.

Finally, ensure good permeability to water vapor and film-forming effects.

Use of products antigraffiti The use of products designed to remove graffiti is used and widely used to prevent the damage caused by graffiti, typically performed by means of spray cans.

The use of these shielding products constitutes a real shield absorption of the paint, preventing that this can be deposited in the pores of the material, until reaching the deeper cavities.

These products are defined as sacrificial since they are eliminated simultaneously to graffiti and written, during the steps of removal.

Kimia, another leading industry, offers a cleaner product suitable for the removal of graffiti and inscriptions.

It is Kimistone Grafix Moove.

Its cleaning action is based on the solubilization of stains and signs made with spray or inks of various kinds.

All succeeding in not damaging the stone support.

The product is also suitable for the removal of residues of glue and for the removal of writing on glasses or plates.

It is 90% biodegradable and has a neutral pH.

Kimistone Grafix Moove is very suitable for soiling old, deep and which are layered over time.

The removal presupposes the use of absorbent paper with which remove the paints which, gradually, they dissolve and dripping on the support itself.

The process of removal is concluded by rinsing with water applied pressure. This product is highly recommended for its high resistance to UV and weather is finally CreteoSpecial NanoPerm T, proactive protection and permanent agent against graffiti produced by Rofix .

It is a two-component product based on polyurethane, applied with a roller or brush, and is suitable for visible surfaces in masonry, sandstone and so on.

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