The mold is made up of living elements such as spores and bacteria, which feed on the substances present in the water.
In the house it occurs in damp environments as blacks dots first, then as large spots, and finally end up peeling the plaster.
But the damage they cause are not purely aesthetic, it concerns also human health. The spores, in fact, are absorbed through the respiratory tract and can cause serious damage to the nervous system and the immune system, in particular, on children and the elderly and people with allergies.
For this it is of fundamental importance to remove it on time.
In some situations you may find yourself having to deal with a considerable amount of mold in the house.
We are not referring to the light layer which can be found, for example, behind the refrigerator or in some hidden points of the bathroom, but situations in which the presence of the phenomenon is of greater magnitude, those cases in which the mold is consolidated, thick and extended.
In general, it is a feature that we find in cellars or in environments where the humidity is high and perennial, such as bathrooms and kitchens.
If, as it is likely in these cases, the intervention with classic anti-mold paint has not yielded the desired results you will need to operate with greater force.
The product that is used for this purpose must be handled with care. You can not do so unless you use the appropriate clothing and a suitable protection. You can buy the clothing at any DIY center or warehouse of building materials. Even the well-stocked hardware stores should be provided with it.
You must wear plastic boots, common, such as those used to look for mushrooms or during a thunderstorm raging. We will put on the clothes an santiacid coverall. It is generally white and fitted with a hood.
Regarding the gloves is best to obtain those in latex with high chemical resistance suitable to work with solvents and acids.
It is very important to wear the mask that is suitable for this job, that is effective against organic vapors.
Once equipped with the necessary safety devices, you can now prepare a solution that will remove also the mildew.
Before you start working, unwind some plastic sheeting on the floor to protect it and do the same for all the objects that you do not want or can not move and that might be damaged in contact with the disinfectant. The product you have to buy is the one that has as its active ingredient sodium hypochlorite, which is the common bleach.
These cleaning solutions and disinfectants chlorine-active. The bottle that you may purchase will already be properly mixed with water and the percentage of chlorine is extremely minimal.
But this does not mean that you can decrease the safety precautions to be taken, since it is always better to take precautions.
Using a funnel filled with a spray product, such as those that are normally used to moisten the leaves of plants of furniture. What, for instance, which usually contains detergents that are used to wash the mirrors or windows.
Once you get close to the mold start to sprinkle the solution over.
You have to dampen all areas in which it operates. It is useless to abound, a thin layer of product will be more than enough, the result of excessive administration would be the same but you would provoke an unnecessary dripping of the solution.
Once you have sprayed the product carefully, store it in a safe place.