Watering the potted plants

Post from Editorials

Watering the potted plants, consistently and with the right amount of water, even when we are on vacation. To see at our return a green and thick foliage.

Watering the potted plants
Francesca Panico
Francesca Panico

The beauty of plants at home

Surround yourself with green indoor is also good for the mood and health; the indoor plants purify the air, helping to maintain the right level of humidity.
The result, in terms of aesthetic decoration, is hard to match!

Piante in casa
For health and beauty to be the hallmarks of our beloved plants, there must be regular watering carried out methodically.
Only then we can ensure their thick foliage and durability.
Here are some tips for watering potted plants in appropriate ways and with a few simple gestures.

Potted plants and watering

Watering is one of the most important elements for plant life as well as providing the water needed, it also increase the soil moisture, lower the temperature in the summer and sometimes to provide water-soluble fertilizers.

To influence the success of watering are several factors:
- The type of plant
- Exposure to the sun
- The surrounding environment
- The container
- The season.

Each plant has its own requirements that must be taken into due consideration.
The loving care has thus increased by adequate information: some news on the species that you have decided to plant at home will certainly be useful.

Piante in vaso
Another golden rule of watering is choosing the right time to perform it.
Especially if the plants are in an open space, it is absolutely not recommended to realize this operation during the hottest hours of the day, to prevent the plant to undergo a thermal shock, preferring instead the early morning or after sunset.
In the specific case of potted plants, not under the direct light of the sun rays, the prescription is only indicative.

Even the type of vase can affect the amount of water needed: the plastic jar being made of a non-breathable material does not allow water to evaporate, holding it all in or a good part of it; the clay pot, instead, allow the water to filter and evaporate.
If the amount of water is not well calibrated the risk is, in the first case, of the formation of stagnant water and in the second case excessive dryness of the soil.

Water the potted plants with Idris® Spike

For those who spend the whole day outside the house or to go on holidays peacefully and return to find the plants greener and healthier than before, Claber comes to us with a solution really extraordinary!

Annaffiatura di piante in vaso
Let's talk about Idris® Spike, the original sprinkler for watering potted plants automatically, at home, in the office or in any other environment.

Practical and functional, this device distributes a quantity of water calibrated for days without electricity or connections to the tap, all working towards the common plastic bottles.

It features different emitters to choose a more suitable way for every plant and climate.

Idris®Spike Claber The sprinkler patented Idris®Spike automatically watered potted plants, whether at home or in the open spaces, for calibrated irrigation, convenient and intelligent on the balcony, on the terrace, at home as well as at work.

With Claber the house is safe: you don't need connections to the water or electrical system that during prolonged absences might be cause of dangers, as well as a source of unnecessary energy waste.

Idris®Spike has a double threaded coupling suitable for common plastic bottles, is supplied with two nozzles 10 and 15 cl.

It is inserted into the ground near the roots of the plant and as such is able to distribute the water directly to the roots.

The drippers to calibrate the irrigation, depending on the type of plants and the related vessel, ensuring the correct amount of water for days.

Moreover, Idris®Spike is shock resistant, weatherproof, can be inspected and cleaned under running water and its quality is guaranteed Claber has always been synonymous with efficiency, functionality and professionalism in the field of irrigation indoor and outdoor.

Who to contact?

Water the potted plants: Claber Claber, a leading irrigation world, offers a wide range of advanced systems, to ensure our green perfect irrigation. All solutions are designed to fully enjoy the benefits that nature gives us.

The Claber products focus on convenience and ease of use; this can be easily used in DIY, also by inexperienced hands.
The company pays attention to the exploration of new technologies and design to ensure the range of the most complete and versatile solutions as possible.

CLABER Spa - via Pontebbana 22-33080 Fiume Veneto - Pordenone - Italy
Tel. +39 0434/958836

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