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The topiary fashion has returned, or that particular technique to shape the forms of nature to beautify the garden, giving vent to creativity.

Arch. Silvio Indaco
Arch. Silvio Indaco

What is topiary

Topiary is an old gardening technique that involves cutting hedges or treetops creating forms and particular figures, geometric or inspired by other figurative subjects, changing the natural appearance of the plants for ornamental purposes.

The results are an exceptional blend of nature and art, with formal themes that recall abstract forms, people, objects and animals.

A little history

arte topiariaThe historical origin of this art is traced back to the Latin expression topiarium facere, that meant to be the gardener; certainly the first writings about this artistic work, of which we have reliable evidence, are dating back to the Roman times, with quotations from Pliny the Elder, who refers to sources and data for the period of the Emperor Augustus.

The first historically recognized achievements seems to date back to the 1st century AD, during which it was usual practice to beautify the gardens of the houses of the upper classes with installations of modified plants according to artistic criteria; of course, only those who had sufficient economic resources could afford certain works, if only because, beyond the costs to implement them, the same required constant maintenance.

Subsequently, some archaeological excavations carried out in different parts of what was the Roman Empire have unearthed traces of gardens designed according to geometric figures and hedges changed by man.

In times closer to us, countless historical, documentary or related structures still exist: it is known that in the Middle Ages in some monasteries monks were devoted to the cultivation of certain plants and types of flowers in flower beds that used hedges as natural fences.
Similarly, in the period between the sixteenth and eighteenth century, it was usual to create gardens where paths and planted areas were shaped on the basis of a detailed design of the project in which the geometric lines were defined by the shaping of low box hedges, in the graphical fields were then installed flowering plants.

The very concept of the plant maze and the many valuable achievements of this type come to us through the ages, is directly and inextricably linked to the development of topiary.

In modern times, the rediscovery of the art allows a large group of people to dedicate themselvels to this art, because who does not have enough space to be able to equip a garden of sufficient size can still engage in individual plants, also and above all to pot plants.

The right plants for topiary

strumenti da giardinaggio Among the most used species in pots are preferred the evergreens that have a limited growth rate, such as yew, boxwood, privet, but also the laurel oak and even some types of conifers, to be planted in a layer of fertile soil with the addition of sand to improve the porosity.

For those who have adequate space to create a beautiful garden, it is necessary to first choose the essences according to the type of soil available: for dry soils are fine holly and yew while for the moist soil fit boxwood, privet and hawthorn; to evaluate is also the type and level of exposure to the sun.

Plants such as bay leaf and cherry laurel grow properly in areas well exposed while the yew, privet and boxwood are more suitable for shady areas.

A particular to not forget to make some good achievements is that for the less experienced, and in any case for certain types of plants, to use metal supports that act as a guide to the plant in its growth.

Topiary: tools

Among the garden tools used for topiary, the various types of pruning shears and trimmers are of course the favorite, to use with care and skill.

Modern technologies for years have produced different types of electrical garden tools to facilitate and make less tiring any gardening operation.

Black and Decker strumenti In the line of garden tools by BOSCH there are a number of tools, suitable for the development of practical topiary: two models of shrub, both compact, with the model Isio particularly manageable in size and also in the version used as a lawnmower; while the ASB 10.8 LI is also available Set, with a range of accessories for the various operations possible.

There are also electric shears gardening Ciso and five models of trimmers, identified by the initials AHS, all strictly powered by Lithium Ion batteries, then definitely manageable without major physical effort.

No less interesting and are suitable products for gardening activities by BLACK & DECKER.
Remaining in the field of power tools battery of small size, and therefore suitable for topiary, there are two types of shear: the GSL 200, more suited to edges and the GSL 700, shears perfect for finishing small hedges, borders and flower beds.
To adjust small hedges and shrubs is the shrub GSL 300, ergonomic and lightweight, with blade 15 cm, for better control and perfection in the cut.

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