Forget the scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz: no straw, no second-hand clothes, new objects are serious scarecrow, which aim to deter blackbirds and birds in general, and thus protect crops and fruits.
The problem is not only in the home. So ... not just your cherries are eaten before ripening, leaving a crop really nervous and miserable. The problem has repercussions also in agriculture, where the birds are often very dangerous for the harvest.
This is why innovative products that also use the latest technology, harmless to animals, but very functional and durable.
Among the first examples of modern scarecrow, we find Agrilaser , an innovative device that allows to remove volatile and animals, through the use of a certain type of laser.
Created by Dutch company Italix, Agrilaser, which costs about 750 euro, is on sale for about a year and widely used in Europe for large crops. Seems that the beam of light that generates a certain type of laser allows birds to remove and animals, such as rabbits and deer by simply using the product for 5 - 10 minutes morning and evening. The success of Agrilaser, however, seems not end here. Its functionality will be tested in other areas where the birds are often a problem. From the month of January will also begin testing on oil drilling platforms, where often the presence of many birds undermines the intense traffic of helicopters.
Have you ever noticed the big colorful balloons in the midst of fruit trees or fields? If you have a small orchard and you're used to attend the agricultural consortia, perhaps already know what I'm talking about. The balloons chases birds are now very popular. Are of inflatable devices that serve as visual bollard, as are reproduced on the surface of the big eyes reflective, in which the birds associate figures of birds of prey. The fact that the balloon is then inflated with helium or air and to move continuously with a breath of wind, remember even more the movements of a real predator. In some models are supplied reflective eyes that must be detached from the protective film once we decide to use the ball, and attached inside the circles so as to imitate a real pupil.
Also sometimes are also supplied strips of reflective paper, ranging attached at the bottom of the flask, just where you insert the cord connection which serves to bond the ball to a tree.
In a reference to position, remember that the ball casts birds should be placed in a conspicuous place, the highest possible, and not necessarily at the level of the tree. With the rope supplied, it can also be fixed to the pins and sticks, so as to make it even more visible and even more effective.
As regards the amount, the number of balls to be used is directly proportional to the size of the lot: generally a balloon for 500 mq. is sufficient. The ball must be inflated without a compressor, as it is quite fragile and may burst if overfilled. If the problem concerning the presence of the birds is limited to fruit trees, for greater effectiveness bollard the ball must be placed clearly visible at a height of about 30 cm above the top of the tree, so as to frighten even before ' approach.
The balloons typically have diameters, around 30 to 60 cm and different colors, quite bright, like yellow or white reflective.
If these devices are mounted on rotating arms the effect is greatly increased, especially if the available land is wide.
The balloons are easily be purchased online as well as available from the agricultural consortia of many Italian cities. For example, the company Turrini Ltd. , which specializes in products for agriculture, provides a series of kits chases birds, with costs ranging from domestic situations, with balloons to 65 up to more specific, with costs around 200 euro . Or repellent systems such as those proposed by Millstore.
Finally a small mention also sound systems, very popular in recent times. Among the systems drives birds to the orchards are in fact also recordings of verses of birds of prey, able to keep away birds and blackbirds, also used in agriculture. For a more domestic, you can download from Youtube the direction of some birds of prey and record it in a small device, so you can play it frequently throughout the day, just behind your fruit trees.