How to grow basil

Post from Editorials

Basil, used to flavor many dishes, it can be easily grown in the garden or on the domestic balcony, following a few simple rules.

How to grow basil
Arch. Valentina Caiazzo
Arch. Valentina Caiazzo

Basil is one of the most aromatic plants known and used in mano countries of Europe. Mainly used to flavor many types of dishes and sauces, this plant can be grown very easily either on the balcony in the garden in the open field. To achieve good results in indoor cultivation of basil, but it is necessary to follow a few simple requirements of this plant.

Features basil

Basil is an annual plant of herbaceous character, characterized by straight stems and can reach a maximum height of about two feet. The immediate family is that of the Labiatae while gender is the Ocimum. Originally from tropical Asia, the basil plant, due to its aromatic properties, it spreads very quickly to Europe through the Middle East, especially in Italy and in the South of France. Basil is characterized by little leaves, equipped with variable color: as appropriate, ranging from deep green to the dark, up to even purple hues.
Basilico e pomodori
The distinctive aroma of the basil stems and essential oils present in its leaves. From June to September, is flowering, with flowers usually pink or white but with different characteristics, however, depending on the case.

The existing varieties of basil are different. Among the main ones, we find the Cinnamon, a native of Mexico, rose mallow flowers and leaves of shades ranging from olive green and brown.

There is also the greek basil, variety Mimmum, suitable for cold climates, with small leaves and oval and the bushy aspect. The variety Crispum instead takes its name from the characteristic ripple present on the large leaves while the Purple Ruffle s has dark red stems and leaves folded at the midrib. Since the basil fears the drought, the plants should be set out in a place not too sunny and irrigation must be sufficiently frequent and abundant while trying to avoid dangerous stagnant water that could cause mildew and other fungal diseases.

Cultivation and care of basil

Basil leaves for food and can be purchased directly from farms. The Ponzio , in the province of Turin, manufactures and sells basil leaves whole or chopped, depending on your needs. The family business Paolo Calcagno , however, since 1984 manufactures and sells Genovese basil for the preparation of the typical pesto. On the other hand, the multiplication of basil is quite simple and can be performed easily even in the home through the sowing. For this reason, buying seeds, basil can be planted and grown in the garden or even directly onto the balcony. The site sells directly online basil seeds of different varieties, from the Italian to the greek, to the more rare and decorative purple basil.
Foglie di basilico
Sowing, which must take place in the months of March and April, it must be done in a few simple steps, in a simple vase. The seeds, very small, will be arranged in the ground in parallel rows and being very small in size shall not be buried but simply pushed below the soil evenly using a piece of wood plate.

Basil does not have special needs in terms of soil, but it is recommended to prefer a very fertile and humus-rich, neutral pH and above all well-drained, just to avoid that stagnant water is supplied. By choosing a particularly fertile soil will also be possible to avoid fertilizing seedlings.

Once the seed, we must place the container in a shady spot at an ideal temperature of about twenty degrees Celsius. To keep constant both the temperature and the degree of humidity, it is recommended to cover the pot with a plastic sheet and arrange to moisten the soil administering frequently water through a sprayer. The first seedlings begin to sprout after about eight to fifteen days after sowing. Once the plants will have issued at least four leaves each, may be taken from the seed bed and planted in the final container into groups of three or four.
Basilico nel terreno
The plant, once it becomes an adult, after about a month after sowing, should always be kept in a average sunny. Excessive exposure to sunlight, in fact, brings a fast-flowering which encourages the drying of the plant and the loss of its aromatic properties.

So, do not just check the first flowers begin, you will need to trim all the drums with your fingers. A good deal of shade during the hottest hours of the day, on the contrary, stimulates the development of larger leaves and greater production of the aromatic properties of the plant.

The ideal temperature should instead be between twenty and twenty-five degrees without ever fall below the ten, while the watering must always be frequent and abundant. For this reason, for the planting in pots, will chose a terracotta container, to allow the soil to breathe. Since this is an annual plant, also to maintain long cultivation, it is recommended to carry out sowing every two or three months during the year while repotting will be carried out in the spring, at the time of sowing.
Pianta di basilico in vaso
In the case of diseases arise, it will be better to buy new plants or to provide new seed. This is because the basil is used for food and the possible use of chemicals could be harmful.

The leaves finally, for their use to cool, must be collected and gradually cut with all the petiole. Their preservation can be done either in glass jars, properly covered by a little olive oil, or by freezing.

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