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Daisies are plants with colorful flowers and looking cheerful that belong to the Composite family, they are of various types and colors.

Vito De Natale
Vito De Natale


Symbol of spring are definitely among the many natural varieties, the daisies.

Metaphor of love, since the medieval times, it has always been given a prophetic quality, the insomuch as you peel it off for an answer on the subject. The famous loves me, loves me not, all of us once in life has inquired a daisy.

margherita comune In the language of flowers it means purity, innocence and radiance, probably because the white petals, bring back the fairness and its pistil, gold-colored, evocative of the sun.

Therefore give a daisy as a gift express a feeling of simplicity and honesty.

Daisies are plants with colorful and cheerful-looking flowers that belong to the family of Compositae. They are found in various types and colors and their characteristic is to produce many small flowers that are grouped between them being very narrow, giving rise to an inflorescence that is what we commonly call by the name of Margaret.

These species are grown as ornamental plants which comprise for most herbaceous species but also numerous specimens with woody stem forming shrubs also suitable to form the masses to be placed at the edges of a garden.

Growing Daisy

The Oxeye Daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare, syn. Chrysanthemum leucanthemum) is a herbaceous perennial plant of the Asteraceae family. Native to China and Japan it grows well at a temperate and warm climate (ideal would be to keep the place between 14° and 18°).

We often find it in gardens and flower beds, as an ornamental plant, but it makes a great visual effect in pots at home.

Densely branched with serrated leaves, so that it is necessary to expose it to grow well to full light, but avoiding direct exposure.

The land where we will plant it must be fertile and moist and it will constantly be watered during flowering and fertilized regularly.

Fertilization is done with ternary fertilizer and you need to carefully follow the directions for dosing.

Daisies do not need special care, simply remove the dead branches and faded flowers, but above all to treat them with pesticides.

The propagation should be done in winter through the method of planting and repotting instead at the end of the cold season, repotting it in a larger pot to encourage growth.

Types of daisies

Among the most brightly colored plants we find Achillea, Zinnia, Carnation of India, whose scientific name is Tagetes, these species bloom in the spring and summer and cheer with their colors flower beds and planters.

AchilleaAchillea is also known as yarrow Achillea because its summer flowers give off a pleasant and intense aroma, it is a plant that is found frequently in the Mediterranean, with white or yellow flowers that grow on bushes of medium height.

If planted in flower beds is important that they are exposed to the sun but in places quite protected. In summer it needs moderate watering.

The Indian Clove is a plant whose flowers bloom from the end of summer and bloom throughout the autumn. The flowers are large and showy, colored or monochrome various annexes, from yellow to orange.

These daisies give their full splendor if placed in a sunny position, they need to be watered sparingly and are well both in flower beds and in pots. For those who prefer shrub species with woody stem, it is good to move towards species such as Anthemis and Vigies, namely the African daisy, which bloom at different times of the year.

The Anthemis, whose common name is Antemide, is the classic margherita with the central globular yellow and white outer petals and thin; in reality this inflorescence is formed by two types of flower, external flowers us we identify as petals, are tongue-shaped and have the typical white color while the flowers interior, of tubular shape, are yellow and very tight between them.

This species produces many flowers and bushes form that can reach 1.5 m in height, have a woody stem and leaves of a silvery hue and perennials. Flowering occurs in spring and autumn, and after each flowering plant should be pruned so that later they would produce more flowers.

It needs soils with good drainage, the location should be in full sun and should be watered moderately. Maybe you do not know that there are three types of inflorescences about the Composite family: some have only ligulate flowers, that is tongue-shaped, others only tubular flowers and other species, and finally, where they are associated with both types of flower.

camomilla A daisy with a very particular and very large bloom is the Helianthus annuus, which is the Sunflower, in this plant the flowers owe their name to the ability they have to know how to orient toward the sun, following its course from east to west during the passing of the day.

Among the merits attributed to this family of plants, as well as those related to the aesthetic appearance of the flowers they produce, there are those that affect the well-being of our body, daisies become part of our daily lives in the form of Chamomile infusion are those with known beneficial effects and relaxing.

For those who love the compositions made with dried flowers, is to prefer the Bracteantha, in fact, its flowers have petals that have a papery texture which makes them perfect for this type of compositions.

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