Bulbs: how to bed them out

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We still have a month to the planting of spring flowering bulbs: let us see what steps to follow to get to have good results.

Bulbs: how to bed them out
Arch. Ilenia Pizzico
Arch. Ilenia Pizzico

Features of the bulbs

bulbi The bulbs are the core from which it will originate the real plant: they are formed at the base by a walker from which branch out small roots and, at the apex, from the gemstone that, growing in the soil, will generate the plant.

It is appropriate to specify that not all plants or flowers that we believe to be born from a bulb are actually originated from it: there are, in addition to the bulbs, corms and tubers, which are distinguished by their appearance, but have the same function, ie provide the growth and plant nutrition.

The main characteristic of a bulb that is, by its nature, to resist low temperatures: its development occurs within the soil, protected from frost or cold temperatures; it is, in fact, a symbol of the northern European countries, famous for the widespread cultivation of spring flowering bulbs such as tulips, hyacinths, crocus, etc.

In this article we will analyze the planting of these bulbs, able to give brightness to our homes, even during the coldest months.

Spring flowering bulbs: when to bed them out

Although we do not have a real garden, it is possible to plant the bulbs in pots, making, therefore, our balconies and terraces most characteristic and, above all, flourished in the periods in which, for reasons of temperature, are not ready other species.

We'll talk then of spring flowering bulbs, ie of those bulbs that are planted in the months of October, November and December, and then bloom in spring; as well as for the planting, flowering is also indicative, they speak of the spring but, often, it is early in February, and then continue for the entire month.

Spring flowering bulbs: species

What are the bulbs that we can plant?
The most famous are certainly the tulips, but there are daffodils, irises, crocuses, hyacinths and freesias, characteristics for their brilliance and especially the smell they emanate.


The choice is very wide, but independently of it, the result is that we will have a balcony characterized by bright colors that characterize these flowers: pink, red, white, yellow, purple, blue are just some of the variety of colors on the market.

Spring flowering bulbs: exposure

Before planting it is appropriate to speak of the exposure: most bulbs, while resisting to cold, needs direct lighting; so the best exposure is to the south. We should also worry about air currents: the vase must be repaired by possible extremely cold currents, because both they that temperature changes might affect growth.

Spring flowering bulbs: how to bed them out

Once analyzed the characteristics, types and exposure, we move on to describe how to carry out the planting: once you have chosen the vase, proceed to pour the soil within it. The stratigraphic composition must be the following: on the bottom stretch a base of sand and gravel for the realization of a drainage layer, it can make the water flow at the time of watering or raining, not causing, therefore, the decay of bulb itself which, by its nature, fears stagnant water.

come mettere i bulbi a dimora

Above we place a layer of soil within which we plant our bulbs: manufacture small holes of a diameter equal to one and a half times the diameter of the bulb, at a distance, between them, of about 5 cm and a depth of about 10 cm from the external surface.
Clearly these are rough guidelines, suitable for bulbs most widespread commercially.

come mettere i bulbi a dimora Once planted the bulbs with the larger base and the roots facing downwards, with the gem upwards ready for growth, we make sure that they are well anchored to the ground, without the possibility of moving, and proceed with the covering with a final layer of the soil, to fill the entire vase.

After planting, we proceed with a first watering which has the function of compressing and feeding the mixture; if we want to, we can pour a small amount of fertilizer that will help the growth of the bulbs.

Watering, especially the initial ones, must be frequent, and then decreased with the arrival of cooler temperatures; we always keep in mind, though, to avoid dangerous stagnant water.

Spring flowering bulbs: how to store them

Once in bloom and subsequent drying, the choices are two: or, once the plant has completely dried up, prune the remaining elements and dismantle the bulbs, or suspend watering until the following year, when, in complete autonomy, the bulbs will resume a new cycle.

In the first case, remove the bulbs and store them in a dark, dry place and then replant them the following year; in the second case it is appropriate to keep the jar away from excessive temperatures and with no watering, to allow a seasonal rest of the bulbs directly in the ground.

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