Aromatic plants for indoors

Post from Editorials

It's simple to have aromatic plants and aromatic herbs to grow indoor in pots, using for cooking and decorate.

Aromatic plants for indoors
Arch. Valentina Caiazzo
Arch. Valentina Caiazzo

Rami posti ad essiccare I always live in the mind the memory of my grandmother who, as a good housewife of the past, a number of cultivated herbs whose scent still reminds me of her very busy kitchen. Today our fast pace we have grown accustomed to prefer the purchase of food almost ready: the pleasure of habits antique flavor such as the essiccagione of some spices during the summer has been lost, since the supermarket you can buy the package with the desired flavor ready to use.

But I am a bitold so I am convinced that you have at hand the herbs, homemade or caught necessary, it is convenient and salutary also must not forget that even the plants in their own way and I do not furnish at all surprised to see a beautiful sage triumph over good coffee table. So here's some advice.

Growing herbs

Given that all plants live better inside and out, it is true that the winter cold might dry them so choose a sheltered corner of our house but very bright to place the plants: the ideal would guarantee them at least six hours of light per day or, alternatively, put them on a windowsill facing south or west.

Vasi in plastica Also the choice of the vessels is important: in fact, while for the external choose the classic clay pots, material which favors the breathability because more porous, to accommodate inside the plants would be better to opt for plastic or metal containers in such a way to keep the soil moist with greater ease. If you purchase the seedlings that will then decanted, have the foresight to fix the bottom of containers a layer of gravel or expanded clay of an inch: would also be appropriate to fill the containers with two parts of a universal soil and sand or perlite in order to promote drainage.

Another tip for proper irrigation: It is important that the soil of the plants is constantly wet so the advice is to irrigate early in the morning to maintain the right level of humidity throughout the day. It would be appropriate to place the plants close together, but do not pass it to each other: in this way you create a microclimate that promote their growth.

Since they will mainly be used for cooking, would not recommend the use of chemicals such as pesticides or anti crittogamici: you also careful to avoid water stagnation that could lead to the formation of mold. Let us now more specific measures to be taken to the most famous herbs.

Melissa and Timo

Both species are characterized by the need for pruning in spring and autumn and the presence of alkaline soil and good drainage. Take care, however, to have thyme so I can enjoy the sunshine and lemon balm in a corner where the light does not come to you directly.

Salvia, origano e timo Rosemary

One of the plants most widely known and used in the kitchen: it is an essence quite hardy but requires an accommodation in a very sunny. If you decide to plant the seeds, you should know that the growth will not be as immediate, but if you buy the map, it will be pruned after flowering.


It is one of the most known plants, from the characteristic leaf velvety to the touch, much used not only for the condiments but also for herbal teas: it is a very tough plant that does not require particular precautions if not to eliminate frequency with yellowed leaves and arrange it in a lighting angle.


Oregano is also a plant that does not require special precautions, since the very essence resistant: it requires a placement in a bright place, frequent watering, especially in hot weather and to be pruned after flowering.

Basilico Basil

As there are ten varieties of basil, each with its particular features, the rules to be followed are the same: it is a plant a bit 'delicate that it needs to be watered little and often, being careful that water does not stagnate in the saucer. Its ideal location is in direct light of the sun to facilitate the production of leaves is advisable to check with frequency stems.

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