It seems strange to say something like that but usually when it comes to light it comes to heat, in fact we tend to associate the two things probably because if you think of the light, you think of the sun and if you think of the sun you think of the heat directly.
Modern technology allows us to make a distinction between warm light and cool light, a distinction which existed also before, when there were only incandescent bulbs, now out of the market. With incandescent bulbs, the only alternative was the warm light, because of the shade of red given from the very functioning of the bulb.
But now with the LED bulbs , we have the opportunity to select the color temperature of the lights that we prefer.
The color temperature allows us to differentiate the hue of the light emitted by the bulb and is measured in degrees Kelvin. An example of measurement to understand the intensity of light can be made with the daylight of the sun that exceeds the 5000 degrees Kelvin. The color temperature is used a lot, both in lighting and in photography.
Depending on the temperature of the bulbs used, our eyes perceive according to the brightness of the light, a light as warm or cold, this perception will also vary as a function of its nuances. With warm light, we mean a light that has a low color temperature, less than 3300 K and that has nuances that can vary from reddish to orange to yellow to warm white. With a temperature of 3000 degrees Kelvin talking about real warm light. At 3550 degrees Kelvin the light will always be hot but its color will be more white, this can be defined neutral light, up to a color temperature between 3500 and 4000 degrees Kelvin.
If the color temperature is between 3600 and 6500 degrees Kelvin, we talk about cold light, whose color is whitish and bluish. These shades of blue and light blue will allow us to perceive the light by associating it with a cool tone.
Commonly used in pure ice, is associated with a temperature of 5000 degrees Kelvin for which the color white is assumed as 6500 degrees K is associated with a bluish light.
Usually, the warm white light is used for the interior of the offices or houses, while the cool white light, is used in wider spaces open to the public, such as supermarkets.
Even the color of the light is important if we approach the shades of red, so we're talking about lower temperatures, we will talk about warm light also called warm-light, while at higher temperatures and the trend will talk about shades of blue light cold or cool- light.
Regarding the choice of the color temperature of light bulbs there is not a universal criterion, each can be based on your own preferences and needs of ambient lighting to illuminate.
Obviously for domestic environments you prefer a warm light bulbs because it gives more familiar and intimate environment itself.
Men perceive warm light as soft and enveloping, like the cold one as hard and sharp, in fact, the latter are often used in studies and offices. The cold light is associated with a feeling of order and cleanliness reason for which we find it in bathrooms.
The choice also depends on the type of furniture, in fact, in a house decorated in a modern way, with shiny or metallic surfaces, the cold light could enhance the choice of furniture. If you are using a cold light, an important thing is not to achieve a color temperature too high, in order not to create harsh and hard shadows, that could create a hardship for those who live in that environment.
Then choose warm or cool light is a strictly personal thing, however, is always important to consider the energy consumption resulting therefrom.