Healthy furniture

Post from Editorials

The use of natural materials in the implementation of parts of furniture, in order to make furniture that contribute to improve the healthiness of the place.

Healthy furniture
Arch. Francesco Oliva
Arch. Francesco Oliva

Manufacture of furniture

The industrial production of furniture, has profoundly altered the times and operating modes of realization of a series of furniture items such as containers in general, which are realized with cheap materials, such as chipboard or MDF melamine or plastic material.

Un pannello in truciolare nobilitato These panels of materials melamines, are composed of a wooden panel chipboard or MDF coated on one side, or on both sides, with melamine paper, that is a synthetic material consists of thin paper, impregnated with melamine resin.

Precisely the application of such a resin on the panels in order to make it more resistant and pleasant the impact, causes commercially such panels are often referred to as melamine panels.

Through photography techniques, more and more perfect, now you can draw cards by lining it with very realistic reproductions of wood species, which are made ??with the interior and exterior furniture.
L'assemblaggio di un mobile in nobilitato
Then when you want to get the realistic effects, to the point of confusing even the best carpenter, the melamine panels, is often applied a special coating that simulates the effect of a lot of real wood veneer.

For anyone who is a keen observer, with a little 'extra attention, you can discover the true essence of the panel: first Mother Nature makes the texture and shades of the same wood hardly resemble, so before to a material always equal and even in repetitive geometries, it should certainly be inferred that it is not natural.

There are also an infinite number of treatments superficial, that the furniture industries in performing of chipboard or MDF to simulate almost every element occurs in nature as the pores or small roughness of the wood, etc..

Un particolare di un cassetto in nobilitato In this way, in order to minimize the times of realization, together with the costs of production, were made ??with the same technique, all kinds of containers, regardless of the 'use to which they are intended.

But we must observe that, if a piece of furniture 's office, the internal structure in chipboard, can go more or less the same structure for a drawer in a cabinet or a table that contains undergarments, it is certainly the better.

How to make mobile health

The reason for the previous statement, must be sought in the differences that exist between the natural materials and those made ??industrially, well, we have seen that the structures are made ??of melamine with the use of paints, solvents or other than natural do not have anything, so their contact with the underwear, in particular that of the smaller, it is certainly not the same thing of contact with a natural material that has even antibacterial properties, mothproof and woodworm such as cedar.

Il contatto di indumenti intimi con materiali melamminici It 's true that the best companies in the industry, the melamine subject to severe mechanical and toxicological tests, to ensure its' innocuity, but in my opinion for the realization of all those containers such as drawers, cupboards, wardrobes, tables, etc., is preferable to use natural materials.

The reason for which I have indicated as the cedar wood to be used for the internal structures of the furniture mentioned, must be sought in the intrinsic and extrinsic such material.

The cedar is a wood that takes a variety of shades ranging from pink or greyish to yellow or reddish when the material is still not fully dried, has frequent resinous exudations pleasant aroma.

Materials used for making furniture health

Un particolare della venatura del cedro The features described above and cedar wood, are supported by studies confirming that its presence in the environment, plays an excellent antiparasitic action, sanitizing and challenging of all respiratory functions.

Now if we consider that most of the containers described as wardrobes, bedside tables, chest of drawers etc.. are placed in one room as a bedroom, you know how to choose a material such as cedar for the realization of those factors is certainly useful.

With the cedar wood it is advisable to make for example, a room for children whereas the furniture in cedar easily fit into all bright and clear color, as long as you do not force too carried away with the proces nti finish.

In fact, if such treatments are too aggressive, they can reduce re the natural action that wood plays, namely the issue of a pleasant and healthy aroma discreet and effective.
Una camera per ragazzi con parete in cedro
Because of its good hardness not, need to be conducted even when furnishing accessories with the same material, advice to take rounded shapes without sharp corners accentuated, while for the realization of the interior of drawers and cupboards, it is appropriate to leave the timber almost to natural.

Furnishings for already existing, made of different materials, it is always possible to insert parts into cedar wood to completion and integration of the furnishings existing.

For children's bedrooms, existing for example, where there are bright colors, you can enter a cedar wood paneling, as the back side of the bed, thus creating an aesthetic improvement, not only due to the ease of matching the material, but improving the hygienic point of view even the environment.

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