Wooden carpets

Post from Editorials

The wooden carpets represent a viable alternative to traditional carpets: they decorate, they last longer and they do not need constant maintenance.

Wooden carpets
Arch. Ilenia Pizzico
Arch. Ilenia Pizzico

Carpets in the house

tappeto The rugs are one of the optional furnishings but that can make your home cozy.
They are not appreciated by everybody, however, because of the care and the maintenance that they require:
they need to be vacuumed, swept, washed and spotted if necessary, to ensure a long life.

They come in different materials and patterns: the most valuable ones are definitely silk hand-sewn, typical of eastern countries, characterized by geometric patterns and bright colors; But there are also in wool or synthetic fibers.
They can be placed in the living room, in the bedroom, in the bathroom or in the corridors with runner shape.
In short, the solutions are endless and all aimed at the house customization.

As mentioned above, a carpet require frequent maintenance: there is a solution to which everybody agrees, that is to avoid frequent cleaning of the surface.

In addition to the materials described above, a viable alternative is the wood: you can take the wooden carpets to emphasize a corner of the living room, bathroom, etc.
It is a suitable hybrid solution, especially, in those hauses where there are children: in this way it will furnish the house without danger of soiling of the fabrics and without accumulation of dust, harmful for allergy sufferers.

Wooden carpets

Thinking of a wooden carpet, immediately comes to mind a rigid structure, not suited for environments of the living area, the limit to be used only in small formats.
Ruckstuhl, however, denies everything: among its carpets presents a rollable model made entirely of real wood essences available are birch, wild service tree, oiled oak, smoked oak, stained oak and walnut. Depending on the style of the environment you can choose the essence that, for taste and color, comes closest to the individual needs.
Also the dimensions are customizable and can vary from a minimum of 1 meter in length and width, to a maximum of 4 meters.

tappeto in legno ruckstuhl

The next product we're going to introduce is distinguished from others by the originality and the extreme elegance, so it can be compared to a fine rug in silk: the designer Elisa Strozyk, specializing in textile design, takes delight in experimentation and implementation of wooden objects. Among these, a series of carpets, all characterized by the same original design, but with dimensions, essences and inserts always different.

tappeto in legno Strozyk

What we present is Ashdown, 152 x 870 cm carpet, made with strips of oak, maple and beech, carved to form geometric patterns; in addition to the reason, the use of different essences allows creating interesting color effects. To top it all, at the ends are placed fringes, which refer to the classic carpet in fabric.

tappeto in legno rasule Finally, a product which, however, is well suited to a different environment, ie to the bathroom, it's Rasule, wooden mat produced by Karn Del Fabbro, designed to reproduce the beneficial massage of the sand on the soles of the feet. Its name in Friulian means, precisely, beach.

It is made of wooden strips thermically treated and finished with essential citrus oil that give the product an elegant color and, to it, and to the environment it will be placed in, a delicate fragrance.

Due to its characteristics is perfect when used as a bathroom carpet just out of the shower or the bathtub: decorated with taste and at the same time acts as a filter with the floor.

Maintenance of wooden carpets

mantenimento del tappeto As with all other types of carpets, even the wood can be hoovered: the daily maintenance therefore consist in the aspiration of dust and lint.

As for a more thorough cleaning, you can wash them with a cloth soaked in water and specific products; to enhance the color, you can treat them with oils for wood.

When using wood as the parquet, you must take a particular care to the scratching: heels or furniture may leave traces which, in the long run, would wear the surface.
On a wooden carpet you just need to pay attention: the use of rubber or felt, to be placed under the pieces of furniture, will enable a longer life of the product.

In case of accidental marks or scratches, we will just keep them: there is nothing more beautiful than a wooden surface that carries the signs of aging.

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