Wooden and aluminum windows

Post from Editorials

The windows in wood-aluminum are really popular on the market: their use allows you to take advantage of the tax deduction for energy upgrading.

Wooden and aluminum windows
Arch. Maria Leone
Arch. Maria Leone

The wooden and aluminum shutters are today among the most popular on the market: they are composed of a frame supporting inner and outer coating of wood and aluminum, they are also called mixed material because of the presence of these two elements that improve the performance. Usually, the profiles have a thermal break: the continuity of the metal is interrupted by the insertion of a material with a low thermal conductivity, usually polyurethane foam, into an inner chamber of the profile.

Features of the frames in wood and aluminum

Risparmio energetico The wood and aluminum frame - aluminum outside, wood inside, so to speak - combines the strength of aluminum with the warmth of solid wood. The aluminum, in fact, not being attacked by corrosion linked, for example, to atmospheric agents, is a guarantee of long duration: through the thermal break and thanks to the polyamide bars placed inside the profile, it also ensures a high insulation level.

About wood, then, one can say anything but good: in addition to the feeling of warmth, that only such material is capable of giving, it will improve even more the already high insulating properties of aluminum.

Tax deduction of 55% for the replacement of frames

Decreto Salva Italia The Decree Save Italy - Legislative Decree n. 201 of 06.12.2011 Urgent provisions for growth, equity and fiscal consolidation - art. 4 provides that expenditure incurred by 30 June 2013 concerning the replacement of frames will enjoy tax deductions of 55%, relative to the redevelopment of buildings. To enjoy these benefits, it is necessary that the windows purchased, in addition of meeting the general mandatory requirements to ensure a set of parameters related to the thermal transmittance, which vary depending on the climate zone they belong to. The facilitations are accessible to both to private and to holders of corporate income up to a maximum deductible of 60,000: to explore the topic, in particular the methods and times of application for remission, I refer you to the articles on this site .

Wood-aluminum windows

Clim'A LA Ibrido di Albertini Clim'A LA Hybrid Albertini is a good example of wooden and aluminum frame: it is a glass window with double chamber, larger sections and with an outer coating of aluminum. The high thermal insulation power allows to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide ensuring good thermal insulation: this translates into a reduction of heat losses and consequent saving on the costs of heating and cooling. Furthermore, in the double glazing you can insert Venetian blinds to obtain adequate protection from sunlight.

Double B Diamante di Bonanno The windows open joint, also known as pressure compensated, allow to drain the water penetrated inside through the drain holes: this precisely thanks to the balance between the external and the internal pressure of the profile. These frames are ideal for solving the age-old problem of thermal bridges. The Double B proposed by Buonanno offers a variety of frames characterized by a high resistance to atmospheric agents: also Diamond belongs to this kind, wooden window and aluminum open joint, suitable to solve the problems of moisture through a system of internal ventilation. Complete thermal and acoustic insulation, strength and classic design and cured are the characteristics of this product that allows the insertion of glass up to a thickness of 46 millimeters and that can also be realized with specific solutions such as, for example, profiles increased or fixed glazing.

THE SQUARE is the proposed PB windows , Italian manufacturer of windows: line LA offers windows in wood-aluminum of essential design, able to easily integrate with the decor of the rooms that house them. Their peculiarity, furthermore, is given by the CLIPS system that combines wood and aluminum but without attacking them: in this way also possible operations of replacement of the aluminum will be facilitated because it can be completed in seat.

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