The use of rollaway sliding doors has now become recurrent in both new construction and renovations. The reasons that have encouraged such a choice, are basically due to the possibility to avoid the hassle of the doors opening in the traditional way and the possibility of using the thickness of the wall that houses the counterframe, as a container of the doors, also if big.
The use of rollaway closing systems, while on the one hand allows you to make the most of the space inside the living spaces, on the other it also involves some issues that are closely related to the structural composition of the system.
Difficulty in using the wall containing the counterframe, to be able to anchor objects like paintings, wall units, etc., impossibility to use that wall to place plumbing or other systems that, however, involve the inclusion of under trace elements of relevant dimensions.
These problems have been studied by different companies in order to solve them, different solutions that still does not definitively resolve all the mentioned issues.
In addition to the problems described above, the adoption of rollaway doors is difficult to use when, in order to comply with the legal provisions in force concerning thermal and acoustic insulation, it is necessary to carry out the insulation in the walls that host these systems, through the application of insulating material of suitable thickness.
In fact, by observing the most of the facilities of the counterframes of the rollaway doors, it appears evident how the same is constituted by an outer casing made of sheet metal reinforced by suitable ribs, on which is also placed a metal mesh, intended to better anchoring of topcoats.
When you need to insulate a wall with a thickness of cm. 10 which houses a counterframe, it is clear that the thermo acoustic characteristics of the materials that make up the wall are such as to require the application of different thicknesses of the individual surfaces, to get over each one, the same degree of thermal or acoustic insulation to be achieved. In light of the foregoing, it is immediately evident that with the use of common rollaway framecounters, the problem can not be easily solved, so it is necessary to use products that contain in their structure such insulating materials as to make them suitable for the purpose.
Among the companies in the industry, one that has created a unique product called VELO BLUE is Velosystem, in fact, the company expressly states that: VELO BLUE is the only caulked framecounter that solves this problem and allows you to obtain acoustic and thermal insulation even in that portion of the wall where the subframe is housed. The technology developed for VELO BLUE, protected by a patent application already filed, is a special agent applied to the insulating sheet that allows you to get a good thermo-acoustic insulation and at the same time promotes the subsequent laying of the plaster.
The Blue Veil subframe appears to have an airborne sound insulation certified by the Department of Nuclear Energy Engineering Environmental Control of Bologna, such as to produce a rw equal to 43 dB.
By way of comparison, consider that a wall insulated with rock wool of medium density ensures a rw equal to 44 dB. But the characteristics that make the counterframe by Velosystem unique, do not end with the most useful acoustic performance, because the subframe is designed to make its use also very safe since its arrival in the construction yard.
Who has experience in construction, and has assisted several times to the assembly operations of the counterframes, also during the less bright of the day, will have noticed how often the workers, once fixed the subframe, meet with the misfortune of stumbling in the spacers that serve to keep in position the mast and the traverse.
Velosystem, has also thought to eliminate this drawback, a beautiful red coloring of these spacers to make them immediately evident.
He also colored with fluorescent paint across the top of the counterframe, and that in order to highlight even at less bright moment of the day, the paths of escape routes more immediate.
In addition to the measures described aimed at the safety of the operators, Velosystem has decided to simplify the mounting of the counterframe, in such a way as to make the same always perfectly level.
This is allowed by the built-in level in the upper crosspiece which allows, during assembly, the control of the correct positioning of the counterframe. The latter measure, which is useful in the construction yard, where due to the transit of the workers in the most hectic working day, it may happen that a counterframe just pinned, may suffer a concussion or a bump that makes it no longer level.
In fact, an installation not in a workmanlike counterframe, involves numerous malfunctions and damage later during operation of the fixture.
In addition, we must consider the fact that in order to change a situation of poor installation, it can not be done easily without compromising the functionality of the subframe itself.
In light of the foregoing, it is evident that in the case where it is necessary to ensure a greater isolation between the two environments, is optimal to employ the described item, sure to employ a certified and tested by competent bodies in the field.