Umbrella stand, how to build it

Post from Editorials

The umbrella stand is not only a functional object, but also an important piece of furniture outside or inside the house, in a position to predict the style of the whole house.

Umbrella stand, how to build it
Paolo Fertig
Paolo Fertig

Snap-fit umbrella stand

Costruire un portaombrelli With five pieces of plywood 10 mm thick you can achieve a practical umbrella stand, looking clean and simple, suitable to fit into any type of indoor or outdoor furniture. From a panel of plywood cut the four sides and the bottom.

The sides are equal two by two and are such that they can be wedged in one another forming a rigid assembly and perfectly stable.

The bottom is shaped so as to get wedged in the shapes on the bottom of the walls.

The bottom is fixed with glue and screws placed outside. All elements must be treated with protective varnish.

The editorial staff recommends:

Umbrella stand design

The umbrella stand is not only a functional object: with its location near the entrance of the house, it also serves as a calling card for the home and is able to anticipate the style and atmosphere of the indoor environments.

Portaombrelli fai da te The specific choice of an umbrella stand can enhance the home and the object can become a piece of furniture full of personality and part of a harmonious whole.

This does not mean that, not to disrupt the balance of the environment, is necessarily to spend big amount of money: even a DIY umbrella stand can enhance the indoor or outdoor space of you house, as long as is made in respect of the main style.

Portaombrelli Molla Alternatively, on the market you can really find solutions for all tastes, from the most traditional to the most cutting edge models. A perfect example of the combination of functionality and aesthetics is the propose by Pezzani Molla, made in painted steel.

The umbrella stand has an essential geometric development that allows enticements and games of light, also favored by the base with drip recess.

This piece of furniture will fit perfectly at the entrance of modern or minimalist houses, in environments in which the forms and the materials take over outlining the furniture.

No less fascinating is the umbrella stand by Narciso, a proposal by Tonin Casa.

Portaombrelli di design Although this modern piece of furniture rediscovered the pleasure of playing with the shapes, though preferring the smooth flowing lines that create multiple compartments for storing umbrellas.

The result is a light structure, such as to soften the lines of a room decorated in simple, modern style, with basic and functional shapes. In this case, the contrast will be an added value, easy to obtain.

Made of a neutral color white or brilliant colors, the umbrella stand can be chosen in the most suitable model to bring out the qualities of the space that welcomes it. One thing is certain: whatever the color chosen is, the umbrella stand will not go unnoticed.

Portaombrelli clod In the interpretation of Riccardo Paolino and Matteo Fusi, the exploration of forms focuses on straight lines: the vertical development of the PVC elements creates games of colors and lights that make dynamic the umbrella stand Zolla.

Very elegant is the version in black and white, characterized by contrasts and bright colors, with the vertical elements that develop as a metropolis of skyscrapers.

In contrast, the version in shades of green and brown can recall the natural elements. The bright and lively colors give to the structure a more casual look, suitable to many different styles of furniture.

Place the umbrella stand

If the choice of the umbrella stand is important, not less delicate turns to be choosing the placement of this piece of furniture. After investing in an umbrella stand of design, you'll want to make sure that the object can have all the attention it deserves, while having a role that seem pretty marginal.

The first choice is between a placement inside or outside the house: to affect this choice will be the best match of style and the materials of the umbrella stand. A product at risk of wear when exposed to the bad weather elements must be placed strictly within, even at the cost of making some changes to furnishings to be sure to get a result harmonious and unforced.

The umbrella stand located at the entrance of the house will have to have a very strong bond with the furniture, while greater flexibility is possible if the umbrella stand is placed outside, near the door, as long as the environment does not present a very strong characterization.

In this case, it will be necessary to opt for an umbrella stand as much as possible in line with the elements already present, and in any way, such as not to be excessive.

Remember to place the umbrella stand in a functional point, so as to allow immediate identification to your guests and to offer them an elegant tool to get rid quickly of a wet and dripping umbrella.

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