Repairing a broken ceramic pot

Post from Editorials

The ceramic pots are elegant and delicate objects, here is how to perform the repairs in case of breakage, without any visible intervention.

Repairing a broken ceramic pot
Paolo Fertig
Paolo Fertig

Repair a ceramic pot

If a pot breaks, or another piece of pottery, which we are particularly fond of, do not worry: you can repair a ceramic pot even if it is reduced to pieces. Thanks to modern chemical compounds such as cyanoacrylate adhesives and ceramic fillers, it is also possible to remedy damages that seem irreparable. The only thing that is required in this work is an absolute precision.

1) Pick up all the fragments of the broken pot, even the smallest. Clean up the score line with petrol to remove any dirt.

2) Assemble the fragments of the jar temporarily with masking tape, so that you understand what position they shall be placed during the gluing process and if any piece is missing the call.

Assemblare i pezzi di un vaso rotto
3) Apply along the lines of fracture of the fragments, super glue to stick immediately and rebuilt the pot. Do not touch the adhesive with your fingers, use gloves and take extra care.

4) Go over the entire surface of the pot with a cloth soaked in alcohol.

Incollare i frammenti di un vaso in ceramica
5) If the surface of the vase there are holes or cracks, fill them with putty two-component ceramic. Smooth it well to make the surface even.

6) When the filler is dry, sand it to regularize any burrs.

stuccare le crepe in un vaso in ceramica

7) Fill the container with water to locate holes and cracks remained.

8) If the water is filtered through some crack, fill it with additional ceramic stucco.

Controllo di un vaso in ceramica con acqua
9) If the repaired vase does not have any decorations of particular interest, it may be treated with cementite and a suitable ceramic glaze. In this way, the repair will become completely invisible.

10) To protect a pot from bumps and drops by increasing its stability, you should fill it partially with sand.

Smalto su vaso in ceramica

The editors recommend:

Decorating with artistic vases in ceramic

The ceramic pots are a timeless element to decorate your home with. The vases and decorative art can achieve significant cost and become real objects of art, stylish and they can also enhance the environments with fine furnishings.

Once they were finely crafted and were full of precious details, today's ceramic vases can take endless variations and adapt, as objects of design, even to the most modern spaces. shapes, sizes and colors no longer meet the limits, if not those of creativity, allowing you to select from endless styles and to identify solutions that seem tailor-made for your home.

In a universe so vast and increasingly diverse, even the choice of ceramic vases can be complicated and the risk is to be attracted only by their beauty, without considering the final effect when placed within the home.

To make sure that the ceramic pot actually adds value to the environment in which you want to place it, it is important to take into account, first of all, the style of furniture already there: floral motifs and vases in a Provencal style will be suitable for environments with rustic, country or shabby touch.

On the contrary, modern design vases, designed to play with shapes and colors, are the best solution for minimalist and modern environments. The artistic vases from the ancient and traditional are perfectly positioned in the most classic. position is also very important in determining the final result: small vases not too showy can be placed in areas already heavily loaded with decorative elements and maybe characterized by limited space, careful to not overdo it with the filling of the voids.

In the most barren environments, however, the ceramic vases can become real protagonists: green, in this case, even the largest and showier pots. In this case, the ceramic pots will be placed in locations that attract the eye, creating focal points in space previously anonymous.

The ceramic pots can be used as independent decorative elements, or further enhanced by the presence of flowers. Be careful, however, not in all cases the artistic vase is suitable for placement of flowers in it and not every environment is harmonious with them.

The same considerations also apply to the placement of artistic ceramic vases outdoor, on terraces or furnished gardens: they are a great way to decorate green space, provided they are selected in keeping with the style and the external environment to fit into it in a harmonious way and to enhance the areas of greatest aesthetic value.

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