Pumpkins as a centerpiece for Halloween

Post from Editorials

To celebrate Halloween at home, you can create some unusual centerpieces with pumpkins of different types, leaving room for imagination and creativity.

Pumpkins as a centerpiece for Halloween
Arch. Valentina Caiazzo
Arch. Valentina Caiazzo

Decorate with Halloween-themed centerpieces

vaso zucca
Someone talked about Halloween? Although the night of witches and ghosts is not really a celebration linked to the Italian tradition, even in the Bel Paese we are increasingly spreading the idea of celebrating the evening of October 31rst.
Children and adults, without exception!

Halloween is a great excuse, therefore, for parties at home and not only, setting up entrances, rooms and why not, themed tables.

Tradition has it that for Halloween pumpkin reigns supreme.
Pumpkin and its orange color. Although in reality, according to the legend, it was originally to be used as a turnip lantern.
Passed to cucurbits, inedible but very decorative, to act as a master are the scary faces carved versions, but also the decorative pumpkins mignon, also called gourds, easily cultivated even on the balcony of the house.

Decorate the table for Halloween in an alternative way

A little is enough, for those who want just a hint: on the table you can have the pumpkins, with strange shapes, or shade or the shape. They are already so beautiful!

But if you prefer to create something unusual and different, then go-ahead with the color.
Wandering around the web there are numerous blogs and foreign magazines that explain step by step how to make your own pumpkin or group of pumpkins decidedly unconventional.

Real Simple, for example, offers several versions of mini pumpkin or pumpkins, to easily create at home.

There are variants with colored paint, those that use vegetable as a container for succulent plants, or even a centerpiece vase or bowl aquarium, turned into a perfect Halloween undergrowth.

Another interesting blog that suggests how to decorate the table and home for the night of the witches is Crdecoration. Here, the interior designer suggests to escape classic orange pumpkins and move to full white.
With paint in hand and an addition already pointing to Christmas: the lights to be placed around as centerpieces, which enhance even more the whiteness of the vegetable.

Pumpkins and Washi tape

Combine creativity with an easy to use product is sometimes even better.
And the washi tape is also useful at Halloween. Here, the pumpkin in question can be designed in various ways.

The centerpiece can start with a base color, to spread or with a spray paint with a brush or the tone chosen, in case you want an area of various shades.

Then, armed with washi tape or paper tape colored tape, you can roll out the strips to the selected location, using drawings and geometric graphics.
Then, still with additional paint, spraying is done all on the pumpkin and, once allowed to dry, we proceed to the removal of the adhesive tape.
The effect is very nice and can be maintained longer using the fixer for drawings, trade in paint and specialty stores.

Food and decorations for Halloween

To decorate your Halloween table is quite common to resort to orange and foods of that color. Thus, a carrot juice or a simple juice, become the right drink to be served in special glasses: just take the wine glasses and decorate them with decals and stickers, turning them into mini jack o'lantern.

zucche decorate
The stickers can also be useful on classic pumpkins promptly repainted in white, as a simple decoration and of the last minute.
If you prefer something more autumn like and operate not only on the night of Oct. 31rst, then you can replace the stickers with the leaves of various colors, appropriately glued on the surface of the pumpkin in question.

Here the process is a little longer: once harvested the leaves, they should be placed under a weight for at least 5-6 days, flattened on a paper towel.

Obtained pressed leaves, using the decoupage glue and brush it on the surface of the pumpkin, where then will be inserted the leaves themselves.
If not bend enough, better to cut small slits along their surface, so that they can better adapt and adhere well to the support.
Everything should be finished again with decoupage glue and decorated, if desired, with glitter or similar.

Miniature ornamental pumpkins

Zucche bianche mignon
If you are not convinced with the giant pumpkins, then you can always resort to the miniature versions. Ornamental gourds are of small size that, if well prepared, they always do their figure.

There are different types of ornamental gourds: the most spectacular is the Baby boo, small and round, it is often associated with Turban, very colorful and with a sort of hat.

These and many other mignon pumpkins, can become a great centerpiece, if placed in a container or pot, even transparent.

In this case, one must be careful to the contact the vegetables have among themselves and with the support surface. The risk is rotting. To avoid this, use the transparent paint that make the pumpkin last a little longer, or you let them previously dry before exposing them in plain sight.

Another method is to hang them with clear fishing wire.
The contact failure and the fact of being suspended, extend its life and reduces the attack of mold.

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