Plants depolluting

Post from Editorials

The plants depolluting are able to purify the air in the house, absorbing and neutralizing many pollutants harmful for our body.

Plants depolluting
Tiziana Loprete
Tiziana Loprete

The 'air in our homes is often polluted by toxic substances and contaminated by electromagnetic fields. The main polluters are the so-called indoor chemical elements in materials for the construction or for the manufacture of furniture, detergents and household appliances.
A valid solution to purify as much as possible the air in the house is provided by plants that are able to retain, absorb or remove the contaminants.

Chemicals and de-polluting plants

Inside the house, and the construction materials of the products used to clean the air can diffuse toxic to our body. It is of 'indoor pollution, often harmful to health as the one present in the external environment.
In addition to chemicals, contribute to poison the air in the apartments also appliances such as TV, computer, washing machine, dishwasher etc, responsible for the creation of electromagnetic fields.
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To reduce this type of pollution, it is certainly useful to use in moderation detergents or maybe choose environmentally friendly products. Same goes for the construction of furniture and apartments, which, especially in the case of new buildings, you can opt for green building and for household appliances is recommended to avoid continuous operation at the same time or more devices.

In the case in which these devices are not sufficient or if the building is very old and realized with polluting materials, may aid the use of plants depolluting that help to purify the air.

There are in fact many varieties of plants in nature that can capture or absorb harmful chemicals. Some of these plants, moreover, are also able to dehumidify the air and consequently to make deposit in ground particles that make up the toxic substances.

So let us consider the plant species useful to clean up the air for each of the most common chemical pollutants in the home. Formaldehyde is one of the most toxic substances in our homes. Used in the production of many building materials and for the construction of furniture, is also contained in glues for carpeting and in the foam insulation. To counteract the toxic action of formaldehyde, are useful plants such as the 'ivy, ficus, the pothos , palm, and the log of happiness (Dracaena fragrans scientific name).
Cura delle piante domestiche
Other substances very toxic to the respiratory tract is the 'ammonia, mostly present in cleaning products and in those degreasers, along with bleach. To limit its harmful action is useful to place, especially in the bathroom and in the kitchen where products containing ammonia are used, azalea plants, ficus , ivy and Anthurium.

Cigarette smoking and the one coming from the cooking of food, especially the grilled meats are an additional factor of indoor air pollution, since that release dioxins and highly toxic substances such as benzene. Ivy, the sanseviena, and the azalea plants Falangio retain and absorb the harmful smoke.

Chrysanthemums and Philodendron are very effective to absorb trichlorethylene, toxic substance contained in paints and solvents. Both the plants should be placed in environments especially when the house has been recently painted, since it can also counteract the odor of the paint.
Pc in piantinaAnother enemy of our lungs is undoubtedly the carbon monoxide. This substance is highly harmful is emitted from gas ranges, from water heater and heating systems malfunctioning.

Against carbon monoxide prove very effective plants such as pothos and Clorofito.

Against radiation and electromagnetic fields, it is recommended to use instead of cactus plants while in the presence of carpets, glues and furniture chip board are given the Raphis, gerbera, Ficus Benjamin and Aglanoema.

Plants such as pothos, the Gerbera and Dieffenbachia instead clean the air humidifying. Emitting water vapor, these species mean that the harmful particles fall to the ground and therefore are not breathe from the body through the air.

Other varieties such as Spathiphyllum and Boston fern, in addition to humidify the environment, are also able to absorb formaldehyde and other toxic substances present in the air.
Pianta di pothos
Due to their different characteristics, each room there will be de-polluting plants more or less suitable. For example, in the kitchen must be placed plants especially effective to counteract carbon monoxide, ammonia and benzene.

To be used will then be mainly the pothos, ficus and the ivy. In the bathroom, the azalea and Spatifilio help counteract the ammonia while the living room, where there are more formaldehyde and benzene, are recommended pothos plants, Dracaena, gerbena and ficus.

See also, Plants in the bedroom: here are those that help you sleep

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