Clean and temperate air DIY

Post from Editorials

Children s health also depends on the environment where they live: to keep it healthy is a basic condition to offer a better quality of life. You can do it by yourself.

Clean and temperate air DIY
Erika Casali
Erika Casali

An increasingly heavy problem is the phenomenal rise of allergic diseases.
About 30% of the youth population presents symptoms of one or more diseases of allergic origin: asthma, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, eczema.
The increase in allergic diseases regard especially those caused by allergens (dust, mites, mold, pollen) present inside houses (houses, schools, offices, etc.).

Aria pulita e temperata faidate

Home rooms are subject to stale air in particular the kitchen, bathroom and bedrooms; air them out frequently, you will avoid unpleasant smells and stagnation of dust deposits.
But if the air exchange in the rooms is one of the activities to do every day, you can also intervene with other useful tips that can make healthier the air you breathe.

Reduce dust

If you look around you will find that there are many small things on which you can intervene without overspending.
In the market there are numerous accessories that serve the purpose: some are specifically designed to prevent the accumulation of dust, or at least to prevent a greater spread in the same home environments.
For example the radiator covers to be put on the radiating elements of the house in order to prevent hot air (because of its convective motion) to transport around dust and dirt.
They are made of cotton fabric and can be purchased ready-made.
In the inner part, namely the one that goes in direct contact with the radiator, they have a filter that absorbs the dust.
In the market there are also radiator covers up to 3 meters long that can be cut to the desired length and be adapted according to the radiators you have in the house.

(1) - The radiator covers by meter is made in a fabric (similar to what is used for the stove hoods) that holds the dust raised by the hot air of the radiating elements.
It is layed on the radiator and it is cut to size, leaving a few inches of abundance.
Then you can play with a colored tissue-mesh.

Aria pulita e temperata faidate

(2) - For the standard size radiators (from 80 to 120 cm) you can find available on the market ready radiator covers, made with a fabric and a filtering cloth together.
Apply on the radiator where they stop with the present elastic along the edge.

Humidify and dehumidify

The excessively humid environments favor the proliferation of mites, but an excessively dry, especially in the winter months when the heating works for several hours every day, makes the air too dry, which is harmful for the respiratory system.
Hang on each heater an humidifier, the classic ceramic or plastic container to fill with water.
The heat of the heater will dry in a short time the water contained within the container.
You can add to the water a few drops of pine or eucalyptus balms that will make the air pleasantly scented.

In humid environments, and therefore subject to the proliferation of mold, intervene with absorbent salts, placing a plastic container in which pour a bag containing crystals of calcium salts, that absorb the moisture in excess.
Absorbingthe moisture, the salts are transformed into an aqueous solution which must then be eliminated.

(3) - The practical humidifier to put on the radiator is available in different shapes.

Aria pulita e temperata faidate

(4) - The interior is filled with water that will be consumed within a few weeks. To have scented air add some balm to the water.

(5) - To remove moisture from the room, place in a corner a container filled with highly hygroscopic salt crystals.

Aria pulita e temperata faidate

(6) - After some time you eliminate the water that has deposited in the container.

Ventilate the rooms

If you want to have a continuous supply of air in a room, without having to keep the windows open for a long time, install a small aerator in a window shutter.
It is indispensable in damp rooms and in those with strong airtight windows that can accumulate a lot of condensation.
In the market you can find mechanical or electric aerators.
Choose the one that seems easier to install.
Before buying an aerator, make sure that the installation does not obstruct the closing of the shutter and the outer surface of the glass is enough to have a minimum width of 4 or 5 cm between the air vent and the frame.

If the work you do turn out to be not easy to perform, call a glazier.
The mechanical aerator, also called depression fan has a fan that turns only under the influence of air current while in the electric fan is driven by an electric motor.

Aria pulita e temperata faidate

(7) - To install an extractor fan to the window you need to remove it from the fixtures and, after having detected the diameter of the fan, engrave the glass with a glass cutter compass.

(8) - You have to perform many incisions as a network inside the circle with the glass cutter wheel and then you hit the glass in the center. The opening is accomplished by removing the glass into pieces. The edges are finished with carborundum grinding wheel.

Aria pulita e temperata faidate

(9) - The extractor fan is assembled by screwing together the two parts that compose it, by positioning them by the two faces of the glass.

Avoid drafts

The younger children (but not only) love to play on the ground.
At the level of the floor there are cold drafts that are not healthy.

Aria pulita e temperata faidate

(10) - We block the air drafts with classic the foam sausages that you can buy ready-made, but that you can easily carry out with your own measuring the width of the window.

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