Wine cellar to measure

Post from Editorials

How to design and build a wine cellar, deriving it from unusual spaces such as small niches, vertical or horizontal, customizing various rooms.

Wine cellar to measure
Antonio Previato
Antonio Previato

Obtain a wine cellar in small spaces

How many times have we found ourselves struggling to find a place for some bottles received as a gift, especially during the Christmas period, there is always someone who devotes a thought, giving some bottles of good wine vintage special, maybe a sweet wine, a sparkling wine or a particular grappa.

ENOTECA IN LEGNO For fans and lovers of wine doc, is almost a must to equip themselves with a wine cellar worthy of the name, in the absence of a proper basement.

To this end, it may come in handy, as well as valuable, both small and unexpected spaces, such as a corner of the living room into a niche, not created to accommodate the usual ornamental vase, but, to put some bottles particularly valuable, to be opened for special occasions, like the holiday season.

Or you can make up a wine cellar as a partition, for example, between the living room and the hallway, thus becoming, certainly an element of attraction and furniture, easy to assemble wooden modular elements easily transformable in time, based on the increase of number of our bottles to keep, and why not, to collect.

Vertical wine cellar all wall

One more idea can be the one depicted in my drawing below.


In this case we had a space to fill: once the kitchen is done, the developer had the need to find a place to build a wine cellar, even a small one.

After my visit, I found out that the remaining space between the pillar into the kitchen, and the beginning of the refrigerator cashed, could be sufficient to design a simple, fast, and original wine cellar space, in a development of the basic structural self-supporting, about 15 cm wide!

The project has been immediately approved and we passed to realization.
As you can see from my representation, the vertical development is over the height of the kitchen itself and, since the customers liked my solution, we have continued the development of the wine cellar, with a mounting bracket, a bridge, above the front door, also including a jar of American ivy.

The whole structure has been realized in solid beech wood, composed of squares of wood, placed in turbot, one above the other, joined together vertically and horizontally, interlocking, connected by rods, always made of wood, in cylindrical section.

This wine cellar can also be extremely low in cost, as there are specialized companies that produce them, distributing them in kits for DIY assembly.

Wine cella for a plasterboard wall

DISEGNO ENOTECA IN CARTONGESSO DA PARETE As we can see from my presentation on the side, it was possible to design a wall wine cellar, connected to an air shelf, which was part of the living room.

In doing so we dilute the visual result of all the space, highlighting the unusual shape, almost as a painting or a work of art.

We obtained that the white of the plasterboard, which is the materialstructured of our wine cellar wall, highlight even more the colors dictated by wine bottles, creating a mixture on the bottom wall.

Wine cellars of various types and materials

In the market there really is a wide variety of wine cellars ready to meet the tastes and needs of all economic target and inventiveness of each of us.
It is also possible to find models that can be customized to suit the space, in keeping with the design and style of every single room, which will be located.

The most indestructuble material is aluminum; with this material we now produce many pieces of furniture, also because it is ductile and malleable, so as to lend itself to machining especially industrial, as well as craft, with the characteristic of being a material that provides wear resistance, it does not require maintenance (in practice it is sufficient to wipe it!).
In the market you can find wine cellar kits in aluminum, in various shapes: cylindrical, diamond-shaped, octagonal, etc..

Other material widely used especially in basements, but sometimes even at home, is the perforated brick, often used for the ventilated walls of the balconies, but it is good to make wine cellars, because it is formed by the cylindrical hollows with an inclined axe, suitable for storing bottles, with optimum ventilation.

A lighter material is acrylic in variable thickness, now available in kits of various shapes and colors, it is suitable to be mounted to a wall, pensile or useful as a framework to create a wall, or a bar corner, overlaying the same wine cellar, a shelf, such as tempered glass to serve wine to our guests.

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