Resize environments

Post from Editorials

The small spaces characterize more and more frequently modern dwellings: here are some tricks to extend virtually scenic small spaces.

Resize environments
Arch. Maria Leone
Arch. Maria Leone

Resize environments with mirrors

The small spaces characterize more and more frequently modern houses, as demonstrated by market supply on the so-called multipurpose furniture, small items that can have different functions. There are also some small tricks that you can use to make rooms brighter and make them appear larger: here are some spectacular suggestions.

The most popular method to give the impression that an environment show a greater surface area than the real one, is the use of mirrors: small, large, or placed on furniture near the windows, they are a great excuse to increase virtual space inside.

Armadio con ante scorrevoli a specchio
In the bedroom, a good idea would be to provide a closet with mirrored sliding doors in this way, in addition to earning the space otherwise occupied encumbrance of the doors, practically uses the same principle of the mirrored wall seen before .

A good example is given by the Glass wardrobe with sliding doors, designed by Pierangelo Sciuto for the collection Tecnopolis proposed by the company Presotto: the door consists of a panel with a mirror - but you can also choose glass - bordered by a aluminum profile with handle, all in the name of lines simplicity.

Specchi sulle finestre per rendere la stanza più grande If your goal is to give breath to a living room or sitting room, a possible solution is to set a large mirror on the wall adjacent to a window so it will reflect the natural light that will look almost as amplified.

Obviously the slab will be taylor made and, if necessary, divided into several parts to be fixed on the wall, taking care to make sure that the joints are not at eye high - or between 1.50 and 1.70 meters.

Another method, used when the walls have a moderate thickness, is to fix the mirrors to the jambs of the window, as illustrated in the drawing: in this way, in addition to giving a greater light inside, you will have the impression that the window is much larger.

You are directed towards a minimally invasive solution? You may use a ground base mirror: the one proposed by Silvano Grifoni is characterized by an elegant frame embellished with an antique white finish, ideal to be integrated into furniture projects flavor Shabby Chic or, conversely, to give character to the spaces where the minimalist style is king.

Tricks to resize a space

Specchio per ingrandire gli spazi The choice of colors for the walls is virtually essential to increase the space of a room: the advice is to choose light colors that can amplify light - natural or artificial - and furnishings.

Go ahead then with white or ivory and the different shades of light yellow, from pale to so-called straw yellow if you like colored in any case, the advice is to choose pastel colors, such as teal blue or lilac.

For the ceiling, then you may choose a beautiful high gloss clear lacquer paint: in this way it will seem higher and it will help to make the room brighter.

Even the furniture can help make the room feel larger: in the meantime, if you need to buy furniture, make sure that your choice falls on elements with a very simple design, bright colors and multi-purpose!

Urban Minimal Scavolini

You think I'm too hard to please? Here's a proposal of furniture that will satisfy a very common design solution that offers a fusion of the living room and kitchen: this is Urban Minimal by Scavolini, a multifunctional room that requires the presence of a kitchenette, all in a single space.

While the doors of the cabinets, strictly without handles to accentuate the essential design, are only available in light colors, you can choose brighter colors for the modular elements that characterize the daily area.

As for the flooring, the ideal would be to focus on the parquet floors in bright colors - beech or oak, for example - or the latest generation of ceramic coatings that, among other things, perfectly imitate the grain of the wood ensuring easy maintenance and cleaning.

What is absolutely forbidden if you intend to make a space virtually larger? You must avoid dark colors for walls and tiles, they make the room even smaller than it really is.

As for the furniture, I would avoid to choose elements that help to make the room look smaller than it is: dark wood cupboards, too fancy sofas and anything that does not fit with the color - clear - of the walls.

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