Printed floor coverings

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The stamped concrete is a smart and practical solution for surfaces such as floors and walls, which take different forms and suitable for outdoor use.

Printed floor coverings
Arch. Valentina Caiazzo
Arch. Valentina Caiazzo

Unusual and printed floorings

pavimentazione in cemento stampato

If we look at the finishing works related to the buildings and the artifacts that surround us in everyday life, we note, in particular with regard to the flooring, the constant presence of two materials: natural stone like porphyry, limestone, basalt and concrete interlocking blocks of different shapes and colors.

But it is not always sure that, at first glance, it is actually these materials. It might be a good imitation.

On the market, in fact, recently, there is an unusual product, the stamped concrete. This is achieved by using special techniques that can transform the simple concrete, depending on the needs in different solutions.
Under this capacity of bearing element, the concrete takes on a different role, becoming a decorative element and getting a projection both in terms of reliability and versatility, allowing, through a series of molding processes, the realization of various types of coatings.

These solutions of stamped concrete include all the qualities of a good, solid, durable, good looking without raging on costs.
With this product you can create an infinite number of settings and floorings with great aesthetic effect and it reduces the time of intervention.

Features of stamped concrete

pavimentazione da esterno in cemento stampato

The stamped concrete is achieved by working on this product in different ways. Workings are obtained with different applications and drafts, which allow you to get the desired texture.

First of all, it should be prepared as the substrate for a normal screed, adding a network of iron armed depending on the type of traffic expected, after the casting and screeding of the concrete.
Next, you run the sweep with the hardener, a base color, and the next anchor, the color gradient.
Finally, the molding is performed with matrices chosen by the customer. After a few days will be made a vigorous wash with a pressure washer and then finally apply the resin completely.

Thus obtained the printed surface or floor, there is the advantage of improving the overall image of the object, as well as to reduce the execution time.

With this technique, it is also possible to intervene and achieve even curved or irregular surfaces, which in other cases would be burdensome and complicated to achieve with the traditional materials of construction.

The characteristics of stamped concrete are obtained through the use of the resin surface, which make them excellent for all indoor and outdoor uses, which is completely anti-mold, anti-dust, anti-slip and anti-absorption, challenging external aggression and weathering, as well as changes in temperature.

Floors and walls with printed cement

pavimentazione in cemento stampato

The printed floorings are monolithic so you do not have the problems of the grass that grows in the empty spaces; they are particularly suitable for driveways, lanes and parking areas with heavy vehicular traffic.
Imagine for a moment that you want to finally settle with a single product, the various unresolved situations in your home such as the porch, the chimney wall, the lining of the fountain, the floor of the laboratory in the basement etc..

With the great range of finishes and colors, the coating of the stamped concrete gives us the opportunity to reach our goal in a short time and at reasonable cost, without having to wait the long normal waiting times, for the arrival of special stones of size and shapes.

With this we absolutely don't want to diminish the value of a beautiful porphyry paving or natural basalt, but we must take note that the use of printed floors is much more pleasant and practical, of many strange floorings that are on the market, even at the working stage.

Processing of stamped concrete

cortile con pavimentazione in cemento stampato

The printed concrete can be used in various ways. In all cases it should be used in the correct mode and with the right way, which can also be varied, thus allowing to have a large field of action.

The stamped concrete floors are designed, sized and armed according to their specific use and loads that will weigh on it. Generally the thickness of the screed is between 8 and 15 cm.

The ability to simultaneously use multiple forms of molding in the same mass to print, make this product very versatile and convenient.

The technique used for these floors and walls is defined in molding work and, thanks to the oxides of different colors, combined with opaque resins and vitrifying to obtain concrete floors, but that reproduce in great detail, materials such as wood, stone and various decorations or the most classic.

For more information on stamped concrete floors and walls, you can take a look at Stamped concrete and Idealwork.

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