Low sloped roofs

Post from Editorials

The low slope roof is common in areas with a mild climate. Coating tiles and metal sheets make this type of coverage beautiful and functional.

Low sloped roofs
Ing. Gilda Montesano
Ing. Gilda Montesano

Low slope roofs

The coatings of buildings and individual houses differ in two categories: flat roofs and pitched roofs. In the first the covering attic is perfectly horizontal; this can be walked on and in this case it will have a flooring, or not walkable then simply treated with a mantle of waterproof bituminous sheath.

tetti, alta pendenza Wierer The pitched roofs, however, are inclined surfaces whose inclination angle is variable from a minimum of 15° to a maximum of 45° for each layer.

The choice of the slope depends on the construction technique used, the type of coating and the climatic zone in which is located the home or the building.

Generally roofs with high slope, then equal to 45°, are located in mountainous areas with winter climates, with very frequent snowfalls.

In fact, the high slope of the coating prevents the accumulation of snow on the roof, thus limiting the value of the live load imposed on its structure.
The areas with a mild climate instead are characterized by low slope roofs, which can be realized both with lining tiles, and metallic coatings.

Low slope roofs with tiles

The low slope roofs are especially susceptible to infiltration caused by the rise of water driven by the wind or by the accumulation generated by the formation of ice, which hinders proper drainage. In technical jargon, this phenomenon is called dam effect.

To ensure an efficient disposal of rainwater, while maintaining the functionality of the cover of a building, you need to choose a solution that will be specifically designed.

Wierer is a company that has developed a tile for large areas with low slope, Coppo Titan®. This is precisely a particular tile, light, strong and durable, specially created for slopes up to 5.7°, equal to 10%.

Its shape is ideal to meet both technical and aesthetic requirements both of residential construction, which includes condominiums, individual houses or terraced house, both in commercial or industrial buildings.

tegole per tetto a bassa pendenza Wierer This tile so special is available in three different colors: Copporosso, Striped Cotto and Granite, so to be able to create coatings that can be integrated seamlessly with the surrounding environment.

Coppo Titan® offers outstanding water resistance: its special design, with interlocking side profiles, which allow the fixing of tiles sideways, a drip tray backflow and ribs, ensures high impermeability of the coat.

It has a durability of thirty years for the water impermeability, resistance to freezing and thawing and resistance to the breaking load in bending.

tetto a bassa pendenza Wierer Its installation is quick and easy.
To achieve a square meter of coverage are required only five tiles which require the presence of a panel of insulation pre-shaped, so as to improve the performance of the roof.
This type of roof tile is extremely lightweight, so that the final weight of the roof covering is very low and is much lower than that of a cover made with traditional materials.

Low slope metal roofing

Another solution to coat the low slope roofs is the one proposed by Megadar, using the system of metal roofing Megaroof®. The plates that are used in this system can have a slope of less than 7%, the minimum required by law, and also reach 0.8%.

lastre metalliche per tetto a bassa pendenza Magadar Megaroof® is used on all curved roofs, with a minimum radius of 6 meters, and on pitched roofs and floors: the shape of the longitudinal joint ensures a watertight seal even in the harshest conditions.

This inclination so reduced is very useful in large shell because you can prevent the accumulation of dirt; Furthermore, the presence of a coupling longitudinal drainage allows to dispose of the meteoric water to the points of discharge.

The metal plates are suitable to meet the needs of any architectural form, and in fact it can be curved with a radius positive and negative according to the needs of the project.

tetti in metallo con pendenza Magadar The low-slope roofs, made with this mechanism of metal plates, have several advantages that make them beautiful and functional at the same time.

The plates are reliable over time, quick to install, they have a single variable length depending on the requirements, are accessible and connect to each other through a system of hidden fastenings.

Last but not least, they are waterproof, so to avoid occurring seepage and they have a modern design adaptable to any type of building.

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