Glass flooring

Post from Editorials

Glass floors and a mixture of crystal to achieve lofts and floorings able to increase the brightness of certain dark spaces in the home environment.

Glass flooring
Arch. Valentina Caiazzo
Arch. Valentina Caiazzo

Glass flooring indoor

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In the world of building and construction, thanks to the diffusion of new technologies are adopted materials that until a few years ago were relegated to very restricted and different areas.

One material in particular is taking a more central role: glass.
It is gradually passing from the use and application, to furnishings, to more and more structural uses, such as the partition of the interior spaces, which in recent years is particularly popular, since that allows you to get great results in terms of lighting spaces.

However, recently, the glass has found a new side to use, just in relation to the possibility of increasing the internal lighting. Thanks to the creation of special safety glass armored plates, usually a thickness of about 30 mm, it is now possible to create a very special effect flooring and lighting power from above.

Taylored glass floor

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The floor made of glass is definitely not a common product and is performed only on a specific project. It remains, however, a very useful solution that allows you to illuminate corners until now destined to remain perpetually dark, if not reached by artificial light.

The product is characterized by a high technological and technical content, being composed of two glass plates coupled by a PVB film and linked through a mixture of crystal and other binders. In the formula can be mixed different types of dyes and this makes the product even more versatile and with great possibilities of use also in terms of aesthetics.

In this sense, in fact, the limit of the product, intended as flooring, and of the material, is mainly dictated by the designer's imagination and budget, not by the potential of the raw materials. The more natural use of this type of flooring is conceived for lofts and elevated structures, which allow the light through, to the lower floor, allowing in this way to obtain solutions that were unthinkable until now, unless you want to create environments poorly lit and often even less useful.

The standard sizes for this type of flooring are typically 300 x 300 mm, but can be up to 600 X 600 mm, in order to cover the various needs of the application and the final aesthetic result.

To troubleshoot installation of the flooring made of glass we can use some special frames with silhouettes constructed at will, where the chosen crystal plates of the favourite colour are layed. With the adoption of this laying system, defined in technical jargon floating, various problems can be solved and can be manufactured items of an high aesthetic interest both in private and in the retail sector.

Where to go for flooring glass

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The brand Fashion glass, is the result of a long and dogged research in this field, with a number of solutions for the application of glass in domestic spaces and beyond.
However, glass floors of this kind, are offered by other manufacturers.

Seves Glassblock, for example, is a very popular brand that offers solutions for walkable outdoor environments, which require fundamentally of light during the night.

In this case, in fact, the bricks are equipped with a small solar panel capable of accumulating the energy during the daytime and with the latter feed the LED lights in the course of the night. This gives a nice soft light perfect for balconies, walkways, gardens or walkways that are lit and visible.

The Italian brand Vetreria Re offers a variety of flooring solutions in glass, allowing plenty of room for customization through the use of materials, images or other decorations, already during the processing stages of the glass that will make up the structure.

Exactly on the structural front, these flooring solutions in glass, may be combined with systems in metal, wood, or to maximize the effect of lightness of the structure, also with glass beams. Among the technical features of this flooring material, it should be noted the excellent sound-insulating power, that allows you to significantly dampen the sound of footsteps that walk over.
This kind of product provides possible applications basically for indoor use. The reason is the slipperiness of the surface that, when wet, increases significantly.

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