Draw your house at Cersaie

Post from Editorials

Also this year at Cersaie, Lavorincasa.it participates in Draw your own house: our architects will meet users at the show for a free design consultation.

Draw your house at Cersaie
Arch. Carmen Granata
Arch. Carmen Granata

Cersaie 2014

As usual, also in 2014 Lavorincasa.it will be at Cersaie Free Pass Cersaie the international trade fair in Bologna event dedicated to the world of ceramic tile and that, for this year, will take place from September 22 to 26.

The presence of this year is even more significant because inserted in the second edition of:
Cersaie draw your house, an event that has approached much the fair, traditionally dominated mainly of professionals, such as architects, designers, retailers, construction companies, to the private consumers.

So Cersaie approached more, in this way, to the ordinary citizen who goes to the fair to get some ideas to renovate his house or some solution to the problems of renovation.

Info Progetto Gratuito Click here to access the registration form, you will receive by e-mail your complimentary ticket for entry, the QR Code on your Business Card Interactive (iBusiness Card) and your username and password with which you can access your private area in the Visitors area.

Cersaie draw your house

Cersaie, edizione 2014 During this 32th edition of the fair, in fact, the days Thursday 25th and Friday 26th of September will be dedicated to the privates who visit the halls in search of the latest news in the field of ceramics and bathroom furnishings and intend to renovate their homes or purchase a new one.

In these two days they will benefit from the free advice of the designers of our Internet portal and other 24 editorial publications dedicated to the home and interior design, which will provide its expertise for ideas and projects.

Given the success of the previous editions this year the participation has been further extended to other magazines and other periodicals are involved.

In addition to Lavorincasa.it (Madex Publisher) there will be:
- Abitare International (RCS)
- Bagno e Design (Tecniche Nuove)
- Casa Facile (Knopf)
- Case di Montagna (Di Baio)
- www.dibaio.com (Di Baio)
- Cer magazine Italia (Cer Edi.)
- Chiesa oggi. Architettura e Comunicazione (Di Baio)
- Come ristrutturare la casa (Tecniche Nuove)
- Cose di casa (Universo)
- Giardini & Ambiente (Logos)
- Grazia Casa (Knopf)
- Hearst Home (Hearst Magazine Italy)
- Il Bagno Oggi e Domani (DBInformation)
- Il Messaggero casa (Caltagiorne Editore)
- IQD (Verbus Editrice)
- Leonardo Casa& Stile (Leonardo TV)
- Living (RRCS)
- QN Arredamento (Poligrafici Editoriali)
- R Casa&Design (Gruppo Espresso)
- Soluzioni di casa (SPE)
- Ville&Casali (Eli)
- Wellness Design (Wellness DEsign)
- www.ilgiornaledellarchitettura.com (Umberto Allemandi & C.)

Cersaie, edizione 2014

This third edition of the event also confirms the participation on a voluntary basis, although some of the companies exhibiting at the fair.
In fact, they will put at the disposal of private visitors, in the days 25th and 26th of September, their experts who will offer qualified consulting on new products.

How to participate in Cersaie draw your house

To obtain the free admission to the fair, go to this link and register by entering all the required data. You will receive in this way to your e-mail address the gift card.
In addition, it is preferable to anticipate your project with some basic information by filling out now the forms that we will check in the office: this will ease our work.

Anticipate Your Project to the Editor

Once you arrive at the show, visitors will be able to have a dedicated communication system that will assist them in achieving the exhibitors stands and that of our magazine, for which it will be also useful the floor plan, for those accessing from entrance Costituzione.

Our booth, number 53, will be located in the Agora dei Media, in the Service Center.

However, at each of the five entrances to the exhibition there will be special posters and a specific plant guide Cersaie paint your house 2014 to show the location of our magazine in the Service Center.

Disegna la tua casa al Cersaie: la mappa

We recommend you to arrive at the show having a plan of your home in this way you will explain more clearly your concerns to the architects of our magazine that you will find at the booth and receive counseling as required.

Info Progetto Gratuito
Who, prefers the digital version to the paper one, can use our free software and take advantage of Cadcasa of interactive design.

Who, prefers the digital version to the paper one, can use our free software Cadcasa and take advantage of interactive design.

Cadcasa is a programm of simple and intuitive use, because it aims at non-professional users.
So you can draw your house and send the file with the application with the changes you wish to receive in exchange for the project in the same format viewable on your computer.

We wait for you in Bologna at Cersaie 2014.


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