Bright and transparent cement technology

Post from Editorials

A new material, transparent and bright cement, as a possible solution to the problems related to the construction choices and the lighting of the space.

Bright and transparent cement technology
Erika Casali
Erika Casali

Modern technology as a result of important studies has come to define innovative building material properties, we are talking about the bright and transparent cement, a material not overly expensive, able to create special effects in our houses.

blocchi di cemento The bright cement is essentially a massive material, which has the ability to dematerialize letting the light shine through, whatever its nature is, both daylight and artificial, at all hours of the day.

Letting the light shine through this material can cause a feeling of lightness and is able to create, in the space where it is used, a very impressive game of lights and shadows.

The existence on the market of this innovative material in the construction field, has allowed us then to remedy what has always been the problem with the choice of construction when designing a building, or choosing to create a mass structure with heavy masonry techniques, such as stone and reinforced concrete, or assembled dry structures on a frame systems of steel or wood, definitely lighter.

This material therefore offers us the possibility to consider a third choice that can reconcile the two prince types among the construction techniques.

Use of bright cement

The transparent and bright cement, because of its special characteristics so particular and unusual, has been awarded with a number of awards including the Red Dot Awards in 2005 and the Best Use of Innovative Technology in 2006. Both contests in which the material was conspicuous by its potential and its innovative features.

cemento additivato The bright and transparent cement is made from prefabricated concrete brick, its mixture is admixed by special plastic resins, and it is precisely the presence of these plastic resins in the dough that allows light to pass through the solid material.

During the daytime, the sunlight filtering through the transparent concrete blocks illuminate the interior of the building.

The mode of illumination is quite unusual, in fact, this type of material, which as we saw is generally used for the outer parts of the building, offers the chance to who is inside the building, to catch a glimpse of the alternation of hours of the day and the succession of the seasons, with their different solar inclination.

At night, however it is the opposite, in fact, is the artificial lighting of the interior of the building, which once again outline the internal structure of the building on the outside.
The bright cement, defines in this way the entire volume, creating a dialogue between the interior and the exterior. One has the feeling that the building envelope is only a thin diaphragm, a film interposed between the external and the nature and intimacy inside the house.
In this way the building will allow us to transform the prevalent walls in large windows that let the light to pass through.

These blocks of transparent cement with the addition of the resins, however, can also be used for the construction of floors, these become as real bright rugs little dissimilar from the catwalks realized in structural glass.

Appearance and economic development of biocompatible transparent cement

Surely the aspect that fascinates most of this new material, is the opportunity it offers to take advantage of natural light, allowing you to transform each space enclosed by cement bricks in light in a space more comfortable and naturally lit.

In this way, we are witnessing a significant decrease in the consumption of electricity, since you can take full advantage of the natural light. In addition, the transparent cement has good thermal insulation capacity, and this can only be an added value of the material, which in addition to being nice, so nice from the aesthetic point of view, it is also very functional.

risparmio nella manutenzione del cemento ecologico Another important aspect of the concrete bright and transparent blocks, regards its useful life, in fact the use of this material allows us to reduce the cost of maintenance and to extend the durability of a building.

In fact, in addition to being a very durable material, it can also be reused. In fact, the blocks of transparent concrete can easily be disassembled and assembled elsewhere.

This building will allow us then to have a very large area, extremely durable and bright, while preserving privacy and security, and at the same time giving the house a high architectural value.

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