Bathroom project

Post from Editorials

Place the sanitary bathroom, distances and minimum dimensions needed to allow their use in security and convenience of health themselves during the design phase bathroom.

Bathroom project
Arch. Francesco Oliva
Arch. Francesco Oliva

The real estate market offers homes ever smaller and castigate especially with regard to the toilet.

We therefore need to provide some information you need to evaluate the functionality of the rooms above the light with the minimum of space.

Minimum dimensions of space sanitary in the bathroom

Misure di ingombro minimo per il bidet ed il vaso

For minimum dimensions of space we mean those that are essential, around the element in question, to allow their use in safety and convenience.

Measures footprint for the basin Let's start with the basics, toilet and bidet, today there are a variety of forms such as, floor, suspended, concealed, but the rules that we show you the top apply to all cases.

With regard to the sink, the same considerations made ??previously on the forms, while for the measures and the speech changes necessary to refer to the figure here from the side.

Another key element to consider is the tank, now it is almost always replaced by the shower due to the lack of space and more practical use of the same.

Around the pool should be inserted in the area of use a anti-slip mat in order to avoid one of the most common domestic accidents.
The footprint is illustrated in the figure at the bottom left, in which the hatched area adjacent to the tank is the minimum necessary for a correct use of the same.

Also in the picture is also shown the correct way to position the taps, another important element in the proper use of the tank.
Finally, we shower, widely used, it needs careful measures to ensure correct operation.
The last figure shows a shower disposed at an angle with the need to have the front entrance, the shaded area is the minimum space needed to move,

Minimum overall dimensions for the bath and the shower

in this case must be considered that the anti-slip mat is also willing to 'inside of the shower as well as outside to avoid accidents.

Request an interactive project of your bathroom that you can view the program free online design CADCASA ? verifying the solutions adopted by our architect.

The interactive project will allow you to take part in a simple and intuitive idea of the design professional, moving items of furniture and partitions.

For more information read here .

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