Water collection sewers

Post from Editorials

The ducts collecting water for showers and sinks represent a major breakthrough in our bathrooms, beautiful and functional, here are a few types.

Water collection sewers
Ing. Gilda Montesano
Ing. Gilda Montesano

Circular shower and sink sewer

We are all accustomed to seeing in our showers and sinks the classic circular drain with stopper or grid. The function of this element is to collect water and lead it towards a discharge duct.

sgorgare However we often find ourselves in situations when this is jammed up slowing the flow of water and getting filled up with limestone if not cleaned properly. This widespread problem then leads to the use of acid and corrosive substances which have the function to clear the tube from the obstruction, but in the long run this pipe tends to deteriorate, bringing much more serious damage than a simple obstruction of the sewer and which need the intervention of a plumber.

We need to specify then, that especially in the shower the presence of a circular sewer inevitably involves the presence of a shower plate, more or less broad and of variable shapes, that means without a doubt architectural barriers for people with disabilities and also delimits the shower as an isolated element compared with other elements of the bathroom.

Water collection pipe

scarico acqua (KESSEL)To break down the barriers some companies have thought of making shower drains in the floor level in the form of a duct.

These also give a different conception of space inside the bathroom, because the shower is not an elementby itself anymore inside the bathroom which is sometimes difficult to enter or in which you run the risk of slipping.

The presence of this new sewer is easy to maintain and this definitely ensures a secure system.

Furthermore its structure in stainless steel, by the different models available on the market ,offers a number of advantages in terms of durability.

Among the companies that produce this type of product so cutting edge in the field of bathroom furnishings and plant design, there are KESSEL and Progress Profile, both offer this product in many different versions, which fit the needs of each user.

The company KESSEL, specilizing in shower ducts, has developed different models, including the model Linearis Comfort, a particularly low duct. In this way it can be mounted without having to remove the existing floor and it is suitable for any type of floor because its adjustable height can vary from 7 to 22 millimeters.

canaletta di raccolta acqua (KESSEL) An important feature is its smooth and self-cleaning surface, the plastic channel opposes the development of fungi and bacteria. It is very easy to clean, you simply need to remove the side cover.

Then there is the model Linearis Compact that consist of the cassic stainless steel shower duct that fits in an elegant and discreet way in an existing bathroom.

This same company also offers a solution in plastic, it is the model of shower duct Linearis Super60, made precisely with plastic roofing and frame cladding in stainless steel.

All these channels obviously have varying lengths that depend on the model and the user's needs.

gully (Progress Profile)The company Progress Profiles has developed the new system Proshower System, an innovative system to drain water from showers and sinks. Proshower is a water collection sewer, made entirely in stainless steel, available in 5 different lengths and accompanied by 6 different grids finishing in stainless steel.

The reasons that make these ducts resistant to any kind of corrosion concern definitely their form, which obviously does not favor the formation of mold or the stagnation of water and also the treatments these elements are subjected to as electropolishing and subsequent passivation.

This special sewer is modular: you can fit in sequence to obtain any measure; also its inner slope makes the water flow towards the drain, avoiding in this way smelly slumps and ensuring an easy cleaning of the siphon.

This pipe can also be used for sinks, of course, the size will be reduced, but the operating system will be the same. It is preferable the washbasin of rectangular shape, so as to make easier the installation of the water collection sewer that can have variable size.

lavandino con condotta di raccolta (Progress Profile) Choosing to adopt this type of system within your own bathroom allows for a wide variety of design adaptable to any situation thanks to its numerous grids.

This solution is ideal from a technical point of view because it makes the bathroom more functional and breaks down barriers, and at the same time it provides an excellent aesthetic result.

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